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This page contains information about upcoming content from version 0.3.39 - Mines Update, which may be incorrect in relation with current public release of the Obenseuer game.

Overview[edit | edit source]

In the current version of the game, the mines are unavailable. However, they will be accessed on the course of the Glowstick Trail quest. The key to them can be found in the Deeluka Basement. If the player has access to the playtesting version they are able to access the mines and complete the Glowstick Trail quest.

Areas[edit | edit source]

First Room[edit | edit source]

The first room the player encounters has various containers which the player can loot. Some items found are three dynamite sticks, a plate, nails, a random prescription medication and a Detonator. Under the stairs the player can find a rucksack which is a larger version of the backpack, a pick axe and scrap metal. Climbing onto the rocks will let the player overlook a pipe with a can opener next to them. To acess the mine tunnels the player must insert the three dynamite they find into the blasting caps and blow it up with the detonator. Make sure to stand before detonating to avoid dying.

Tunnels[edit | edit source]

The mine tunnels have orange mushrooms however most will be spoiled by the time the player finds them. The tunnels have no loot other than the mushrooms but many ore vains can be found which can be mined with a pickaxe Following the mine tunnels will lead the player to the City Gates.

City Gates[edit | edit source]

At the end of the mine tunnels the player will find themselves in the cave where the city gates are located. In front of them is a person but apron approaching them they will collapse presumably from fungal disease the player can collect the red mushrooms on them as a task item. Afterwards the player is instructed to return to Anya.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

While all the dynamite the player needs can be found in the mines, there is another stick in Kolhola A7

The city gates are also a map found in chapter nine in INFRA