Additional INFRA resources

Revision as of 09:36, 12 June 2024 by Nextej (talk | contribs)

This page lists all additional files and resources shared officially by the developers and provides an easy link to safely download them from wiki-hosted server.

All archives were repacked from various formats to .7Z and in some cases, were fragmented to several partitions, however they still contain all the original content.

Translation resources

Translating Phoshop Sources

File archive containing many source files for important textures containing readable text.

Original upload date - February 26, 2016. The wiki reupload was split into 6 partitions.

Translating Phoshop Sources (first partition)

Contains textures used in Part I of INFRA + Newspapers and Emails.

Translating Phoshop Sources (second partition)

Contains textures used in Part I of INFRA, cont.

Translating Phoshop Sources (third partition)

Contains textures used in Part I of INFRA, cont.

Translating Phoshop Sources (fourth partition)

Contains textures used in Part I of INFRA, cont.

Translating Phoshop Sources (fifth partition)

Contains textures used in Part II of INFRA.

Translating Phoshop Sources (sixth partition)

Contains textures used in Part III of INFRA.


File archive containing many transcripted texts from various textures in .TXT format.

Original upload date - December 14, 2017.


Not hosted on the wiki, external repository on GitHub. Non-official community efforts lead by Deseven to clean up all the missing texture files to apply translated text onto, originally made for Russian translation of INFRA. The sources are free to use upon an appropriate mention of the original repository.

Map source files and cut content


The main archive containing retail .VMF source files for INFRA maps + final iterations of all cut maps + map instances.

Original upload date - December 14, 2017. The original archive is expanded with several additional source files that were missing originally.

Zuntti - Cut Maps

Earlier iterations of retail and cut maps developer Zuntti has worked on.

Original upload date - June 15, 2019. Initially uploaded as three separate archives, combined together for wiki upload.

Zuntti - Cut Assets

Several models and texture for cut/unused assets.

Original upload date - June 14, 2019. Initially uploaded as three separate archives, combined together for wiki upload.

Yucca - Cut Maps

Earlier iterations of retail and cut maps developer Yucca has worked on.

Original upload date - June 15, 2020.

Yucca - INFRA-sälä

Various miscellaneous files developer Yucca had from working on INFRA.

Original upload date - June 15, 2020.

Wiki resources

Wiki miscellaneous

Various miscellaneous files containing concept arts, additional information, high quality company logos.

Originally uploaded as multiple separate files by the developers, combined together for wiki upload.