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Map Name bunker
BSP Name infra_c7_m2_bunker
Stalburg Map bunker
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The Bunker is a secret underground facility where Mark can learn more about the S.N.W Project.


The Bunker was build sometime after the Second World War by the S.N.W with the help of Jeff Walter and few other high ranking officials, It's located under the Walter Square next the Walter tower. The S.N.W Group used the bunker for many years to research and build nuclear and biochemical weapons. The Bunker has a secret railway system connecting to the Stalburg metro system which they used to smuggle Uranium from the NPP. This secret railway was the center point of the metro accident of 1986 although it was kept secret from the public. Shortly after the metro accident the bunker was closed due to a hazardous material leak.

The Bunker consists of multiple different sections separated by heavy metal doors, The Military wing, The Laboratory, The Accommodation wing and the Train platform.

Military wing

This wing has the control room used by the SNW Officials to control the bunker. The wing also has sleeping quarters and canteen for all the military personnel who worked in the bunker.


The laboratory wing is located further into the bunker behind the sleeping quarters. It was used by scientists to research and develop nuclear weapons.

Accommodation wing

This wing consists of sleeping quarters, a diner, swimming pool and a sauna building. All the scientist who worked in the bunker lived here during the project.

Train platform

This is the train platform that was used to unload the train cars that were used to smuggle the uranium from the Stalburg Nuclear Power plant. The tracks leading out from this platform connects to the Stalburg Metro system. The Train platform is surrounded by multiple storage rooms, one of them is used to enrich uranium and another is used to hold the bodies of the people from the train wreck.


  • In a Discord post, Zuntti said there was intended to be Morko in the bunker, but he never got around to making it.