Puzzle:Pine Fell Water Plant

Revision as of 20:32, 29 August 2017 by Scarchu (talk | contribs)

After entering Pine Fell Water Plant, exit the stairs and turn right. Pass the two big pipes and the first door on the right and go to the second door. there you will find on the floor the Keycard.

1.Keycard location.jpg

After entering in the building, go to the computer room (second floor). On one of the desks there is a key.


Go to the computer on the left and will see this:

3.PC initial.state.jpg

Open the light-blue pipe on the left from pools:

4.PC step.1.jpg

Go to the first floor and find pool 1. It is empty:

5.Pool1 empty.jpg

Press the red button bellow the green light to fill it up:

6.Pool1 filled.jpg

Find the way outside, go to the stairs from where you came and on the right there is a small hut - Chlorination room. Turn it on:

7.Clorine turn.on.jpg

Go back to the second floor and sit again in PC chair. Open both Chlorination valves:

8.Chlorination both.open.jpg

Go to the first floor and turn on both A1 and A2 valves:

9.A1 pipe.on.jpg

10.A2 pipe.on.jpg

Again, go to the PC on the second floor and open Red pipe 2:

11.Red pipe.2.on.jpg

Exit to outside and go to the two big pipes. Open the red valve (red pipe 1):

12.Red pipe.1.on.jpg

Find a blue handle for the blue pipe outside (blue pipe 2) and close the pipe:

13.Blue pipe.2.off.jpg

Back to the Computer to shut of Blue pipe 1:

14.Blue pipe.1.off.jpg

Go to the first floor and close pipes A3 and A4:

15.A3 pipe.off.jpg

15.A4 pipe.off.jpg

--(Video coming)--