
Revision as of 14:23, 10 May 2024 by Alfabe78a (talk | contribs) (that document is not found on the ship it is found on the drawbridge)
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The last stretch of Castle Rock Bridge connecting Castle Rock Island to Point Elias.

Map Name isle3
BSP Name infra_c8_m5_isle3
Stalburg Map isle3
Photo Spots 15
Corruption Spots 6
Repair Spots 1
Mistake Spots 0
Geocaches 1
Water Flow Meters 0
Connected Maps
Previous Map isle2
Next Map business


Mark finds his way into the drawbridge control room from the bridge's maintenance entrance, and lowers it to cross to the quay. Another nearby generator blows and cuts power to most of the buildings in the district.

The last obstacle between Mark and Point Elias is a locked gate. Mark infiltrates the nearby steamboat and finds the key to get across, optionally uncovering more information about secret meetings held by S.N.W. aboard the ship.


Elo's HideoutEdit

A foreboding area, the former hideout of Elo, a young girl who was hiding with a member of her family. At some point, they left a note to warn her to stay away from "men with white masks". Elo's drawings in the hideout suggest a connection to Stalburg Underground, depicting the city gates entrance, Mörkö, and a man in a diving suit.

S.S PurtiloEdit

A steamboat docked next to Point Elias. The captain, Hans Magnusson, allowed the government to use his ship to hold confidential meetings, including the S.N.W organization. The meeting room itself is locked by several keys scattered inside the ship, and contains corruption evidence. Magnusson can be seen from a ship's window, sleeping in his quarters.




  • The drawbridge puzzle can be bypassed entirely by entering the light bypass code (1234). The code isn't documented anywhere in-game.
  • The S.S Purtilo's name translates to "manger" in Finnish, it may also be named after an island in Finland.