INFRA Part 1 Walkthrough

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An incomplete walkthrough of chapters 1-5 of INFRA, listing all achievements, photo spots, corruption spots, repair spots, and geocaches. This guide is an edited version of LastNonak's Steam Guides for Chapters 1-4 and Chapters 5-6, republished with his permission.

Chapter 1: PreparationsEdit

Achievements 2
Photo Spots 0
Corruption Spots 3
Repair Spots 0
Geocaches 1
Water Flow Meters 0

This chapter is by far the shortest. Collecting the few collectables here should just serve as warming up for the really difficult challenges lying ahead.

Alcista BuildingEdit

Total Collectibles in this Map

Achievements 2
Photo Spots 0
Corruption Spots 3
Repair Spots 0
Geocaches 1
Water Flow Meters 0

Video Walkthrough

Text Walkthrough

As soon as you are in control of our protagonist, enter the office to your left until you reach the main hall next to some elevators.

Achievement: A Bad Case of the Mondays

In order to get this achievement, jump down the railing in the main hall. You'll be rewarded with this achievement as soon as you respawn.

Take your preferred method to reach the eighth floor and enter your office located at the right behind some doors. Take your camera, car keys, helmet and flashlight from the table as well as the cabinet and leave your office. After that return to the elevators in the main hall and take a ride downstairs. As soon as the elevator stops, turn every lever at the control panel to a green position and then leave the elevator.

As soon as you're out, move along the railing in the main hall until you reach the entry to a café space. Move downstairs to find more café tables. Enter the door that says 'Café & Buffet' to reach the kitchen. At the far back of the kitchen is an office with a document inside (C1).

Leave the kitchen by using the emergency staircase and move to the first floor. Don't take the door to the first floor, but the door right next to it. You'll soon reach a more open office. Read the document on the table (C2). Continue your path until you reach the entrance hall on the first floor. Read the document right next to the main entrance (C3).

Move to the reception and take the letter with you. You'll soon reach the elevators. Take the door to the left that reads "Parking Garage Access". Enter it and open another exit door on the same floor behind it to reach a small space in a back alley. Climb up the first ladder, but not the second one. Instead, walk around the ladder and crouch to see a geocache (G1).

Walk back inside the building, take the stairs down to the parking garage and enter your car to complete this chapter.

Achievement: Preparations

Completing this map finishes chapter 1, and rewards you with this achievement.

Chapter 2: Just Another Day at WorkEdit

Achievements 6
Photo Spots 43
Corruption Spots 14
Repair Spots 7
Geocaches 7
Water Flow Meters 1

We've accepted our mission to control the maintenance of the Hammer Valley Dam. This area is really open and can get confusing at some points, so make sure you don't miss anything.

Hammer Valley Power StationEdit

Total Collectibles in this Map

Achievements 2
Photo Spots 16
Corruption Spots 4
Repair Spots 3
Geocaches 3
Water Flow Meters 1

Video Walkthrough

Text Walkthrough

Walk through the gap in the fence to the left to reach the underside of a bridge. Walk over the planks below the bridge until you see a broken column to the right. Take a picture of it (P1). Continue walking to the end until you reach a Water Flow Box. Repair it (F1). Then take a photo of the broken pillar right next to you (P2). As soon as you walk up the stairs again, jump at the top of the stairs to find a geocache in a niche (G1). After that, return to the place where you started.

This time don't go through the gap in the fence, but continue forward until you reach a staircase that leads downward. Photograph the corrosive barrels next to it (P3). Walk down the stairs and climb down the ladder. Down there, take a photo of the damaged water-gate (P4) as well as the jammed water flow (P5). Then, enter the power plant.

Take a photo of the document lying on the table to the right (C1). Then, walk down to the generators and take a photo of the broken generator (P6). Turn off the right power switch at the breaker box to repair this power plant (R1). Walk the stairs up twice again and enter the door at the back of the hall. Take the bolt cutters inside with you. Go to the room on the middle floor and destroy the chain with the bolt cutters. Then leave the power plant.

Walk along the wooden path until you notice a broken electric line that breaks right in front of you. Photograph it (P7). Continue walking along the path until you reach a small container building. Take a photo of the tilted electric line right next to it (P8). Enter the container and take a photo of the document on the table (C2) as well as the map on the wall (C3).

Leave the office and directly walk to the left. Take a photo of the container that has fallen over (P9). Then walk over the broken bridge, which you have to take a photo of (P10). Walk along the path, but don't go too far yet. Somewhere around the middle there's a secret cave in the bushes to the left. Take a photo of the document inside (C4). Then take a photo of the device on the right (P11). Get out of the cave and continue walking towards the bridge.

Walk below the bridge until you reach a device next to the railway. Turn the button to set the light to red (R2). Then take the geocache from below this device (G2). Go all the way along the rails until you reach a fallen tree. Take a photo of it (P12). Then, cross the railway and walk towards the village. In the middle of the village is a fallen tree you have to take a photo of (P13). From there walk to the left into the bushes till you find a grenade next to a red cart. Take a photo of it (P14), but don't trigger it, otherwise you'll die.

Walk all the way to the end of the road until you reach a cliff. Turn to the left and walk along the side of the cliff to find a cave. Inside is another geocache (G3). Then walk all the way back to the train bridge we crossed earlier. Go down the left of the train bridge to reach a section below the bridge with broken cement. Take a photo of it (P15). Then walk to the building on the opposite side of the railroad and enter it. This is the dam.

At the far back left of the first room is a red fuse. Take it with you to the second room. In the second room is a fuse box with two fuses missing.

Achievement: First Try

To receive this achievement, you have to throw the fuse box from the top of the stairs into the fuse box perfectly. This is kinda difficult to achieve, so this might take a while. You can try as long as you need though.

Afterwards, flip the power switch to repair this device (R3). Then, go through the door on the left to get outside and take a photo of the crack in the dam (P16).

Achievement: Foreseen Consequences

Now save your game. Go into the previous room and take a fire extinguisher or a brick. Throw this gadget against the crack in the dam to be rewarded with this achievement.

Afterwards, take the elevator downstairs to reach the next map.

Hammer Valley DamEdit

Total Collectibles in this Map

Achievements 2
Photo Spots 19
Corruption Spots 7
Repair Spots 2
Geocaches 2
Water Flow Meters 0

Video Walkthrough

Text Walkthrough

As soon as you climb out of the elevator, take a picture of it (P1). Enter the office right next to you and turn every button once. Leave the office and take the door on your right that is now unlocked. On a shelf to the right there`s a small package. In it is another fuse box. Grab it and take it with you. Go through the next door. Walk down the stairs and photograph the water puddle (P2).

Leave the building by using the door on the right. Outside, photograph the broken wooden platform above the dam building (P3). Go all the way to the left and enter the dam building again. Turn to the right and enter the next room. To the left is a locked gate. Enter the room next to it and crawl through the vent to reach the room behind the gate. Take the key on top of the box and open the gate with it. Now, use the fuse box here and flip the central lever to open up the next set of doors.

Return to the room with the water puddle and walk up the stairs there again. The laboratory to the right should now be open. Enter it and turn the valve there to repair the leak (R1). Go back to the elevator from the beginning and now take the door on your left.

This room is a mess. There`s electrified water all over it. Take a photo of the collapsed catwalk

(P4) as well as the flooding (P5).

In order to get this achievement, you must clear this platforming challenge and reach the other side of this electrified room. If you're stuck, watch the video walkthrough.

As soon as you've reached the other side of the room, take a photo of the missing cement on the wall (P6) and the broken door right next to it (P7). Open up the lower door to your right and take a photo of the document in this room (C1). Go up the stairs and then into the control room.

In there, listen to the audio tape on the table (C2). Look at the panel to your right and turn every button that has a light next to it to cancel all the overwritten door locks. Open the door next to the sluice gates in the control room and walk along the cave until your way is blocked by rubble. Photograph the rubble (P8).

This is our first step for this achievement. We`re going to connect this dam to the grid again. First push the button on the control room table. Then go to the sluice gates and set both of them to 3000 RPM, so that both lights shine. Then push the button in between the sluice gates. Afterwards, push the two button on the wall of the control room to power the generators. This is all that can be done here. This is only preparation for this achievement though.

Now, go through the exit door and walk along the hallway until you reach a secretary office. Read the document in one of the shelves (C3). Then enter the big office and photograph the map on the wall (C4). Go through the next exit door and photograph the broken cement on the wall (P9). Walk down the stairs and go outside.

You`ll soon reach a tree growing out of the cement. Photograph it (P10). Enter the switchyard breaker room and push both buttons to finally connect this dam to the grid (R2). You should gain the 'Power to the Future' achievement now. Continue your path until you reach a sawmill.

Don`t go into the building yet. First go right around the building. There`s a toilet there. On the right side of the toilet is a geocache, though you can only see it if you crouch (G1). Go back and this time, go left around the building. Take the stairs and then take a ride with the funicular. Photograph it afterwards (P11). Enter the sawmill and directly go to the right. Turn the crank and photograph the hole in the floor afterwards (P12). Open the side door of the sawmill and go into the next room. There´s a newspaper on the table that you have to take a photo of (C5).

Go outside of this room and jump down the railing onto the ground floor. Unlock the main door and then enter the storage room. Take some boxes and climb up on the right platform in order to find a key. Unlock the door below. You`ll find yourself in a room with a lot of doors. Inside a room that is located on the left is another note (C6).

Enter the electricity room next door and go down the stairs. Activate the power and - quickly - go up the stairs again, in order to avoid sudden electrocution. Photograph the electrocuted floor afterwards (P13). Exit the room through the next door.

Exit the sawmill area by climbing up the boxes and jumping above the wall. Next up are the collectibles near the lookout platform. Go up the stairs to the lookout and photograph the broken platform (P14). Also take the geocache from the top of the info signs right next to the lookout (G2).

Go down the stairs again and take a sharp turn right. Continue your path, photograph the broken bridge (P15) and cross it. Again take a turn to the right until you reach the dam again. When you're inside, take a photo of the hole in the wall (P16). In the room behind that hole, you'll have to take a photo of the shelves and the destroyed cement wall next to them (P17).

Return to the bridge we crossed earlier. This time go in the other direction towards the guard`s house. Before we go inside though, we walk past it and take a photo of the fallen tree (P18). Now, let's take a look inside. Go behind the guard's house, climb up the ladder and jump inside by using the window. Photograph the documents on the table (C7) and take the two keys.

Note: There's a key on top of the television which you should take as well. I forgot it in my video guide for this map and picked it up in the video guide for the next map.

Exit the house by using the main door, cross the bridge again and walk to the right until you the stairs leading up to the lookout again. Across from them is another wooden bridge. Take a photo of this damaged bridge (P19). Cross the bridge and walk for a short while until you reach a door to a cave that will lead to the next map. You can open it with the key you found inside the guard`s house earlier.

Hammer ValleyEdit

Total Collectibles in this Map

Acheivements 2
Photo Spots 8
Corruption Spots 3
Repair Spots 0
Geocaches 2
Water Flow Meters 0

Video Walkthrough

Text Walkthrough

Note: For the Hartman's Stash achievement (if you did not pick up the key on the television last module), you'll have to return to the guard's office in Module 2 and take the key from on top of the television. After that, return back to the beginning of Module 3

Inside the cave you just entered is another document on top of a chest (C1). At the end of a small cave on the right is another key. Take it with you and then exit the cave. On your right-hand side you'll soon find a house. Get closer to it and photograph the broken window (P1) as well as the damaged door (P2). Then, enter the house and immediately photograph the fallen wooden partition in front of you (P3). Enter the backroom and take a photo of the body (P4).

Leave the house and walk left around the building to find a staircase. Walk up to the second floor and take the geocache from the ceiling right above the colorful chairs (G1). Enter the house and take a photo of the document that's lying on a table there (C2).

Go into the next room and solve the puzzle at the flood doors main panel according to the notes located in that room. Set the light to yellow by using the lever on the left. The positions of the buttons on the right should be: (* = Doesn't matter)





The light should switch to a green light after that. Leave the house and go back on your main route next to the river. After passing a metal gate, you'll soon see an abandoned building to the right that you have to photograph (P5). Backtrack five meters and then walk over the river by using a fallen tree. Climb up and you'll soon reach an abandoned fireplace.

Achievement: Hartman's Stash

Open up the chest that's located to the right of the abandoned fireplace. The key for this stash is in the forest guard's office in the last map. Read the document inside the stash and photograph it (C3).

Continue walking along this side of the river until you reach a cliff. There's a spot to climb down here. A geocache is hidden down there in a niche (G2). Also take a photo of the ladder (P6). Climb up again, walk inside the tunnel and you'll reach a flood door. Walk past it and photograph the broken cement (P7). You'll also notice a broken railing to your right (P8). Now enter the flood door to complete this chapter.

Achievement: Just Another Day at Work

Completing this map finishes chapter 2, and rewards you with this achievement.

Chapter 3: Forgotten WorldEdit

Acheivements 5
Photo Spots 73
Corruption Spots 24
Repair Spots 2
Geocaches 3
Water Flow Meters 3

We've finished surveying the dam, but we've still got a lot to do. Next up are the Bergmann tunnels behind the dam that need a closer inspection.

Bergmann TunnelsEdit

Total Collectables in this Map

Achievements 1
Photo Spots 19
Corruption Spots 6
Repair Spots 0
Geocaches 0
Water Flow Meters 1

Video Walkthrough

Text Walkthrough

On the door to the left is a note to activate A2, B1 and C3. Thus go to the breaker at the back of the room and push (from top to bottom) the first, second and fifth button. Enter the next room and take a photo of the corrosive barrels in the corner (P1). Go into the office and photograph the map on the table (C1). Push down all the four levers on the wall, open the small box and set every lever in there to the upper position. After that, push the ON button and then the RESET button. The metal gate outside should now open up.

Go through the gate, take the stairs to the left and you'll reach another small room. Photograph the bottom of the pipes to the left (P2). Enter the small tunnel and you'll immediately notice broken cement on the left side (P3) as well as on the right side of the tunnel (P4). Go all the way straight through the doors and you'll soon find another audio tape (C2). Also don't forget to take the keys from the wall.

Enter the storage room next. There's a fuse on the shelf here which we'll need to pick up later. Open the gate next to you and take a photo of the broken grate on the floor (P5) and another broken grate on the floor (P6). Then, turn the valve and leave the room.

Exit the storage room by using another door that leads to a flood gate. Take a photo of the flooding in front of the flood gate (P7). Then, open the flood gate and enter the flooded pipe room. There are several valves in here. Take a photo of the crack in the A2 pipe near the upper door (P8). In order to solve this puzzle room, you'll need to turn the valves of the pipes A1, A3 and A4 and then push the Water Sensor button. Exit by using the next door. There's a document on the chest here (C3).

Now go all the way back to the storage room and take the fuse with you. Go through the door at the back of the room, round the corner and through the flood door. To the right is a water flow meter that you can fix (F1). Then walk up to the lever puzzle:

S1U - S2D - E2 - E4 - E5

Push the yellow button.

S1D - S2U - E1 - E3

Push the blue button.

S1U - S2D - E2 - E4 - E5

Now take the fuse, push the yellow button and jump, while the bridge is closing, with the fuse on top of the office. Jump down on the other side and go through the next flood door. Take a photo of the broken wall (P9) and then take the next flood door. Take a photo of the cave-in on the left (P10) and continue with your fuse until you reach an office. There's a document inside (C4).

Go outside of the office and take the door to your right to reach a bridge that leads to the other side. Don't take the bridge, but go down the ladder on your left to find a newspaper (C5). Go back into the office, push the D5 button and then the yellow button, and run across the bridge which leads to the other side. Crawl under flood door D5, turn left and walk down the hallway. There's cracked cement on your right (P11) and 2 more areas of cracked cement on your right after the open flood door (P12)(P13). Go to the very end of the hallway and retrieve the key from under the pallet. Turn around and go through door B1.

You'll now enter a timed challenge. Go through the next flood door with your fuse and push the A1 button to start the scenario. Photograph the broken pipe behind the A gates (P14) and the broken ceiling above you (P15). Then, turn the two B gate valves. Afterwards, immediately move to the Flood Doors Alarm Control Panel. Wait there until rubble starts falling from the ceiling. Take a picture of it (P16). The flood door control panel will open up. Enter the code 0451 and quickly hurry with your fuse through the exit door.

Behind there, take a photo of the broken cement to your right (P17). Open the room next door and read the document inside (C6).

Achievement: ???

Save your game. Insert the fuse into the corner here and enter the code 4027 into the code reader to open up the next door. This door leads to an achievement, after you get it, immediately return to your save here. Continuing the secret route will skip the end of this map as well as the next map. You'll also not want to linger long here, as you'll be in for a nasty encounter.

Now enter the elevator and take it upstairs. Take a photo of the broken elevator afterwards (P18) and the broken cement on the right (P19). Go through the next door to reach the next map.

Pine Fell Pumping StationEdit

Total Collectibles in this Map

Acheivements 1
Photo Spots 9
Corruption Spots 6
Repair Spots 1
Geocaches 2
Water Flow Meters 0

Video Walkthrough

Text Walkthrough

Walk up the stairs in order to reach an area next to a cliff. Directly on the left is a damaged building. Take a photo (P1). Walk to the opposite side of this small building to find a geocache directly next to the cliff (G1). Walk all the way along the cliff until you find a damaged fence that you must photograph (P2). Continue walking in that direction to find a big amount of trees and bushes. Behind them is a small cave with a geocache inside (G2). There's also a document lying next to it (C1).

Leave the cave and go to the blue door of the huge building next to you. There's a pink card next to that door. Pick it up and open the door with it, entering this pumping station. Go through the next door.

To the left is a staircase, to the right is the main room and in front of you lies the pool room. First, go up the stairs to the left. As soon as you reach the next floor, you can look into the pool room to the left. Take a photo of the broken pipe above the pools (P3). Don't go into the office to the right yet, but continue walking along the railing to find a newspaper (C2). On the balcony next door is another document (C3). Now enter the office, to find another document on the right table (C4). Grab the keys next to it.

Achievement: Better Than Before

You can earn this achievement by repairing the Pumping Station.

  1. Go to the computer and open the top left light blue line, the right chlorination line, and the top blue line.
  2. Go down the stairs, turn left and enter the pool room and fill pool 1 with the button to it's right.
  3. Turn around, go into the room with the staircase and turn left, and enter the main room. Take a picture of the cement cracks below the light blue pipe (P4) and between pipes A3 and A4 (P5). Go through the door between A1 and A2 or A2 and A3 to enter the pipe room. Then open valves A1 and A2. All the valves in this room should now be open.
  4. Go behind pipe A4 and grab the blue valve from off the floor. Turn around and go through the door. Turn right, go down the staircase and turn around. Walk forwards until you pass under the pipes, then turn left, slot the valve into the hole and turn it.
  5. Go back to the broken building from the start of this map. Unlock the door with the key, and turn on the Chlorine Tank.
  6. Go back under the pipes, turn right and open the red valve.
  7. Return to the pump room and close valve A4.
  8. Go back into the pool room, drain pool 4 using the button to it's left, retrieve the key from the bottom of the pool and re-fill it.
  9. Go back to the pipe room again and open valve A4. All the valves should be open again.
  10. Return to the blue valve outside and open it again.
  11. Finally, go back to the computer in the office and open the top red and blue pipes.

The system should now be fully running again, awarding you with the achievement (R1). Go back into the pool room and open the door at the far back. Walk down the stairs and photograph the broken cement (P6). There's a storage room next. Climb up the chests and grab the key from inside the storage room. There's nothing else to do here.

Return to the pipe room and open the gate there with the key you found just now. There's another document behind it (C5). Then, go to the staircase and this time, take the stairs downwards. Open up the hall to the right with the key we found in the water pool earlier to find yourself in a collapsed stairwell. Take a picture of the damage (P7) and then save your game. This section is quite hard to do without falling to your death. The trick is not to jump on the first "jump", or you'll hit your head on the roof and won't make the next platform.

After you make it to the ground, walk through the door and photograph the document on your right (C6). Then go into the vent and finish this map.

Bergmann Tunnels IIEdit

Total Collectibles in this map

Acheivements 1
Photo Spots 16
Corruption Spots 5
Repair Spots 0
Geocaches 0
Water Flow Meters 1

Video Walkthrough

Text Walkthrough

Continue going down the vent until you reach another part of the Bergmann tunnels. Take a photo of the cave in to your right (P1) and then continue onwards.Go through the next door and you'll find another cave-in to your left (P2) and to your right (P3). Crouch all the way through the tunnel to your right until you reach another flood door that you can pass.

Immediately move straight to the railing on your left and photograph the giant cave-in (P4). In a storage room next to you are some flashlight batteries. If you need them, take them. Walk down the stairs and activate the water flow meter there (F1). You`ll soon reach a ladder. Don't climb it, but walk on the pipe.

Achievement: Enjoy Ice Cold Osmo Olut

Walk along the pipe until you find some Osmo beer. Drink it and you'll soon trigger this achievement.

There's also a document next to that secret beer. Document it. (C1).

Afterwards, walk back to the ladder, climb it and take the next flood door. You'll soon find yourself in a garden. Photograph the missing ladder at the top (P5) and the document that's located on a chair to the right (C2). Go through the next door and photograph the broken catwalk (P6). Get inside the container and take a photo of the money (C3), the map on the wall above it (C4) and the note around the corner (C5). Then take a picture of the makeshift toilet (P7), and the moonshine inside (P8).

Then get onto the raft outside and start the action scene.

These are the photos you can take while on the raft:

Broken Pillar (P9)

Broken Pillar (P10)

Broken Pillar (P11)

Rolling Barrel (P12)

Broken Pillar (P13)


Damaged Ceiling (P14)

Rubble on your left (P15)



Rubble on your right (P16)


-----[Map Loading Screen]----

Mushrooms in a big cave (P1)

Blocked Tunnel to the right (P2)

Mushroom to the left (P3)

Mushroom to the left (P4)

Beach on your right (P5)

Mushroom to the left (P6)

Mushroom to the right (P7)

Mushroom beach on the right (P8)

Then jump off the raft when it breaks up in the shallow water ahead.

Bergmann Power PlantEdit

Total Collectibles in this Map

Acheivements 3
Photo Spots 33
Corruption Spots 7
Repair Spots 1
Geocaches 1
Water Flow Meters 1

Video Walkthrough

Text Walkthrough

The first 8 photos in this map were taken during the raft ride. First, take a photo of the missing catwalk above the gates (P9). Make your way to flood door B4 on the right side of the river and crawl under it.

Immediately turn left and go through the first door on the left. Climb up the boxes and take a photo of the missing cement on the right (P10). Jump down on the other side and take a photo of the document there (C1). Now, leave the room again. The room on the opposite site is useless for us right now. Therefore, turn left and walk up to the exit door. Before the exit door, turn right and enter the second room on the right.

There's a document on the table on the left (C2). Leave the room and take the door to the right to get outside. Go up the stairs and photograph the broken catwalk (P11) as well as the broken roof (P12). Go through the door on the left into an abandoned house. Turn right and go into the first room on the left. There's a geocache on the collapsed roof (G1). Return to the door with the exit sign.

You'll find a stairwell behind it. First, go upwards and photograph the broken staircase (P13). Then, go all the way to the bottom. You'll reach the generator room. Take a photo of the broken ceiling (P14) and the rubble on the floor (P15). Turn on generators G1, G3, and G4 but DO NOT turn on generator G2. There's a tape recorder next to generator G1 you can listen to (C3). The turn right and override generator G2 using the generator override panel. Then turn around and flip the big lever to restore power to the Power Station (R1).

Go outside through door A1 and turn on the Water Flow Meter.

Achievement: Restoring the Flow

If you have repaired all the other flow meters up to this point, you will now earn the achievement as this is the final water flow meter.

Then call the elevator and photograph it when it gets stuck (P16).

Return to the staircase and go all the way upstairs again. Go straight forward and take the second door on your left. There's a control panel here that you must meddle with.

1) Click on "Settings", then the red button, then the green button.

2) Next step: click on "Warnings" and then two times the red button.

Return to the B2 gate that you crossed paths with at the start of this module and open it now. You can get there by using the B3 flood gate right next to the staircase. Take a photo of the mushrooms in there (P17) and the document on the barrel to the left (C4). Go back, down the staircase again and this time take the A2 flood gate that should have a green light next to it now

Follow the path behind the flood gate into a tunnel. When you reach a metal gate, take the flood door on the left. Turn right, crouch under the wooden barricade and photograph the damaged ceiling above you (P18) Then photograph the cave-in in front of you (P19). At the back of this hallway is another cave-in. Take a photo of that too (P20). Go into the next room. There are fuses missing here. One fuse is already in the cupboard in front of you. Put it in one of the fuse boxes. Flip the switch at the back of the room and enter the next hallway in order to walk further into the caves.

Take the first door on your right to reach a gigantic cave. Take a photo of the rubble on the left (P21) and photo of the rubble on the right (P22). Walk to the back of the cave and take a picture of more rubble on your left on the way (P23). Go through the door to find yourself inside a storage room. Photograph the rubble lying here (P24) and the rubble in the cave behind the hole in the wall (P25). Go back to the giant cave and enter the container there. Read the note inside the container (C5).

Achievement: Demolitionist

Take one of the explosives lying left of the table and place it near the rubble behind the container. Then, flip the switch inside the container. Stay inside the container until all the rubble has settled to avoid being hit by flying debris.

You'll reach a construction site. Take a photo of the toxic barrels in the back-left of the water (P26), the broken catwalk above the entrance (P27), and the broken catwalk at the back-right of the room (P28). Then grab the fuse at the back right of the room. Leave the site, return to the hallway by taking a turn to the right in the giant cave and then enter the room to the left. Use the fuse here. All fuse boxes should now be occupied.

Go back into the hallway yet again, but this time take the far back door to reach the other side of the construction site we were on moments ago. Climb over the scaffolding to reach the elevator, call it, and ride it up to the upper level and place the boxes to create a staircase across the gap. Walk along the pipe and climb up the ladder and you'll reach a control room. There's a newspaper on the right. Photograph it (C6).

Walk through the exit door. There's a small office on the left. We'll come back to this later. Keep walking until you reach a large tunnel. Photograph the cave-in on the right (P29).

Go through the next door and photograph the flooding on the right (P20). Then, climb up the chests on the left and crouch until you reach the fuse boxes. Take the fuse box from the grate at the far back, then jump down on the table near the breaker and place the fuse into either the Small Office or Dynamite Storage slot. Then turn off the power by flipping the switch.

Go down the flooded corridor - that is now safe due to you flipping the power switch - to find broken cement on the right (P21) and another fuse on the left. Take it and place into either the Small Office or Dynamite Storage slot. If you accidentally placed one of these fuses into the wrong slot, there's a third one you can get from outside the Dynamite Storage room, near the begging of the corridor.

Now arrange the boxes so you can walk from the breaker box to the start of the corridor without touching the water. Then climb back onto the table, save your game, and make your way to Dynamite Storage. open the door, but don't go in. Return to the small office we passed earlier and enter it, as it should be unlocked now. There's a document on the table to photograph (C7)

Then, return to the power switch in the flooded hallway again by using the crawlspace and turn it off. Enter the dynamite storage room - that should be open now -, take the keys and take a photo of the dynamite boxes (P22). Follow the flooded hallway until you reach a gate, that you can now open with the key you received just now.

Enter the first room on your right and photograph the cave-in (P23). Then go back into the hallway and continue onwards until you reach the next chapter.

Achievement: Forgotten World

Completing this map finishes chapter 3, and rewards you with this achievement.

Chapter 4: Heavy Industry of the PastEdit

Achievements 2
Photo Spots 6
Corruption Spots 10
Repair Spots 1
Geocaches 0
Water Flow Meters 0

Don't be fooled by the amount of collectibles. This chapter is probably the most open chapter so far. It's not that difficult to beat, it's just... very open. Anyway, we have finished surveying the tunnels and reached a steel factory. Trying to call our boss, we know want to reach the steel factory tower in order to get a signal.

Stalburg SteelEdit

Total Collectibles in this map

Achievements 0
Photo Spots 3
Corruption Spots 5
Repair Spots 0
Geocaches 0
Water Flow Meters 0

Video Walkthrough

Text Walkthrough

As soon as you reach the first room which is still underground, take a photo of the damaged cement on your left (P1). Climb up the ladder to reach a hallway. Take a key out of the toolbox to the right and open the leftmost door with it to finally get outside of these caverns.

Follow the path, and you'll pass a door bolted with chains. We'll come back to this door later. Walk up some stairs, go along the railing and you'll soon reach a garage door. Left of it, some of the railing is missing. Jump on the pipes below and crouch on top of these to reach the tool room in the hallway we were in earlier. There's a newspaper lying on the table here (C1). Take the boltcutters, get outside again and enter the steel factory by cutting the chains on the door you passed earlier.

You'll soon reach a staircase. Go up one floor and enter the room on your left. Take a photo of the room that is glowing red (P2). Go back to the staircase and walk up one floor again. Enter the room with the minitrain in it. At the back of this room is another document that is lying on a mattress (C2). Walk up one more floor in the staircase, go to the left and you'll reach a gigantic machine room.

Take the stairs all the way up to the top until you find a part of the catwalk missing. Save your game, then jump across the missing part of the catwalk by making use of the palettes and crosspieces up here. As soon as you are on the other side, go all the way down and flip the red switch behind a pillar in front of you. Then turn around and walk into the middle of the room by using the bridge. Turn left and keep walking until you find a note on top of some barrels of kerosene. Document it (C3).

Then turn around and keep walking until you reach the steel blocking your path. Hold down the "Up" button on the crane controls. Make sure you don't push any of the electrified buttons, or you'll die. Walk under the steel and go up the staircase in front of you. Walk up to the top of the staircase. Walk forwards until you reach a second staircase. There are 2 boxes next to it, grab one of them. Walk down the staircase and turn left. There's a third collapsed staircase here with a third box.

Leave the box you're holding here and return to grab the other box from the second staircase. Using the three boxes, build a staircase and use it to ascend the third staircase. Grab the key under the can at the back of this area, then go back down the staircase. Turn right and keep walking until you reach a wall. Move the box out of the way, and unlock the hatch beneath it. Climb down into the next area.

This is another huge room. Turn left and keep walking until you reach a staircase. Walk down it. Grab the emergency grounding wire in front of you on your right. Turn around and walk through 2 gates. Turn left and grab the key from behind the 2 pipe and then keep walking until you reach the electrified door. Use the grounding wire and then walk through it. Go up the staircase on your left and go through the door on your right.

You'll soon reach another gigantic room. Turn left and enter the last control room. Flip the switch in here then walk back until you find a gap in the railing on your left behind a blue skip. Drop down to the floor below. Go through the door and enter the squatter's den. Photograph the note in front of you (C4) the tablet in the next room (C5) and the mushroom farm in the final room (P3). Then grab the key from the keybox, leave the den and unlock the gate on your right.

Go up the stairs and walk back to the other side of the blue skip. Find the broken railing on your right and jump down into the control room on the ground floor. Flip the two switches on the left. Afterwards go outside and drive both of the minitrains forwards. Then pull the lever on the wagon where the minitrains have stopped and ride one of them to the next area.

There are three little containers in this room. Every container needs a fuse. You can find one of them by going up the staircase in the middle of the room and the other two by going up the one on the left. Enter all the fuses into the fuse boxes, then walk all the way up the stairs on the left and enter the control room.

Pull the power switch in here. Then immediately leave the room through the other door and follow the path. Jump down, turn the valve down there and continue. To the left is another power switch, flip it. You'll soon reach a staircase, walk it up and use your parkour skills to stay on your path. You'll soon reach a gas leak that you have to time correctly. Then you'll reach some more broken pipes which you also have to time. In the control room behind that, press the emergency button.

Leave the control room, take the stairs to the left, jump down to reach the elevator and ride it up to the next level.

Stalburg Steel TowerEdit

Total Collectibles in this map

Achievements 2
Photo Spots 3
Corruption Spots 5
Repair Spots 1
Geocaches 0
Water Flow Meters 0

Video Walkthrough

Text Walkthrough

As soon as you step out of the elevator, go up the stairs to your right and enter the building in front of you. There's a note inside that you should read (C1). Then, leave the building and climb all the way to the top of the tower, passing another shed, and photograph the broken fuse boxes (P1).

Repair the boxes by turning the first and last buttons on and the middle ones off. Then, go back down to the shed we passed earlier and enter it. Turn off the right power switch and photograph it (P2). Then turn on the main power breaker in the bottom-right to restore power to the mast and lift (P2). Descend 2 floors and take the lift down into the warehouse.

After you reach the warehouse, go down the stairs, stack up three boxes on the existing pile to the left of the ore container and then continue going down the corridor until you reach the administrative building.

Enter the office and the big office hall to the right. You'll soon see a door to the left that's hidden behind boxes. Remove them and crouch through the gap in the door. In the office room behind that is an audio recording (C2) and a bulletin board that you have to photograph (C3). Leave the office and take the second door to your left. Keep walking until you find a set of working payphones.

Achievement: Lost and found

Dial the number 035435435 from the working payphone to earn this achievement.

Next, call the number 000780036. Calling this numbers counts as corruption evidence (C4). Leave the office through the exit door. Go down some stairs, but don`t enter the tunnels to your right yet. Instead, go straight towards the back garden. There`s another document in the hut there (C5). Next up, go into the tunnels. As soon as you hear a broken valve behind you and your exit is cut off, take a photo of the broken valve (P3). Then continue onwards to finish this chapter.

Achievement: Heavy Industry of the Past

Completing this map finishes chapter 4, and rewards you with this achievement.