One Stop Shop

Revision as of 09:23, 14 June 2024 by Blubby (talk | contribs) (Fixed a ton on grammar errors.)
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The One Stop Shop is a store located in the backyard near the players tenement. It can sell almost anything the player can imagine, including: non-prescription medication, cigarettes, alcohol, junk, containers, building materials, watches, and the occasional valuable. The One Stop Shop also buys almost everything it sells with the few exceptions being: alcohol, empty bottles, cigarettes, and medications. It sells stuff at 120% of the estimated value and buys stuff at 80% of the estimated value. The One Stop Shop also sells furniture that is mostly decorative but can occasionally sell furniture that has a function.


Lower LevelEdit

The ground floor of the shop is where Mr. Bag is and also where the player buys and sells stuff. It has a couple of containers the player can loot such as a cash register to the right and a locked suitcase to the left. Both count as theft if the player takes something.

Upper LevelEdit

The upper level has a wooden chest that also counts as theft and a safe behind a tarp wall. To get the code for the safe, the player can either get a hint from a nearby note, or shut down Mr. Bag.