Rauha Taisto

Rauha Taisto is a resident of Obenseuer living in Kolhola A, Apartment A2.

A photo of Rauha Taisto, in her apartment kitchen in Kolhola A, Apartment A2.


Rauha Taisto can be found in the kitchen of her apartment. She wears a blue-flannel shirt, white undershirt, tan pants, and tan socks.


The player can interact with her and receive the recipe for Wheat Dough the first time. After that, she will loop through the following sentences:

  • "Everything has turned so... bad... dark times... dark times."
  • "I'm glad you're here... my (man/woman)."
  • "Oh... it's you... my (man/woman)."
  • "Did you make the dough?"

If the player steals an item in front of her, she will respond with a generic hateful comment.