Minor characters in INFRA

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This article lists minor characters who have no direct or a minor influence on the INFRA story.

Bergmann Group


A individual only known by his initials, J.K., was an employee of the power plant connected to the Bergmann water tunnels, and the unnamed power plant in Hammer Valley. Presumably, he was Erik's replacement after Erik was injured following an accident with one of the generators, possibly caused by Robin. J.K. quickly became frustrated by Robin's irresponsible behavior, and was relieved when the powerplant eventually had to shutdown.

J.K. was later reassigned to the Hammer Valley powerstation, where his signature can be seen in the station's maintenance log. J.K. was the last person responsible for maintaining the powerplant in the past 13 years.

Stalburg Water

Roman Banis

Roman Banis is the CEO of Stalburg Water.

Depending on the ending of INFRA, Banis may either remain the CEO of Stalburg Water, be investigated and arrested for embezzlement, or fired and replaced by Elena Farkas.

Tomas Balog


Marko is an employee of the Stalburg Water Company.


Maxim is an employee of Stalburg Water only briefly mentioned as the recipent of a tablet's chat log in the Pitheath Water Treatment Plant's offices. The tablet's owner converses with Maxim about the mushroom infested water tunnels, and how they've been neglected for over 10 years.


Hans Magnusson



Lukas was an explorer who was trying to find his way down to Bergmann tunnles with his friend, Hanss. He met with Erik in Pine Fell Waterplant who warned him about the dangers of the tunnel. Lukas dismisses the stories as urban legend however, and was more eager to find the green mushroom caves Erik mentioned. Lukas made his way down into the Bergmann tunnels using the water plant's elevator, where in the tunnels he went into tunnel B2 and likely met his fate in the hands of Mörkö.


Hanss was a friend of Lukas, several notes were addressed to him that indicated they were supposed to explore the Bergman Tunnels together. It is unknown if Hanss ever followed Lukas down into tunnel B2.