Aziz's Hamburger & Kebab

Aziz's Hamburger & Kebab
File:Aziz's Hamburger & Kebab logo.png
Company Aziz's Hamburger & Kebab
Status Active
Industry Fastfood
Phone Number 062 792 005

Aziz's Hamburger & Kebab, also known as Aziz's Kebab and Burger, is a chain of fastfood restaurants in Stalburg, known for serving famous Kebab Hamburger and Stalburger dishes.

The company has one restaurant in Pitheath inside the local metro station building, one restaurant in Southport and two restaurants located in Point Elias at Elias and Eranzen roads. The Pitheath restaurant so far is the only one enterable for player during events of INFRA, the food menu is seen and company theme can be heard as well as the newspaper of August 8th 2016 can be found inside. Stalburg's Department of Health has given Pitheath restaurant a health rating of all unhappy faces that have been crossed out and replaced with top marks.

The company offers food delivery service under phone number 062 792 005, that can be called at the Steel Factory Administration Office in INFRA, or from any phone in Obenseuer game, however the delivery service does not cover neither Stalburg Steel, nor central Obenseuer areas.

It is possible that the founder of the company lives in Point Elias under Elias' Alley 3 apt. 1 address, as the Aziz surname is seen on the door, and on August 8, 2016, a birthday party takes place with the company theme heard from inside.