The Bazaar is an upcoming location in Obenseuer, slated to be in the next large update. It is currently unacessable, even though there are different entry points already in the game, such as passport control, the mines, and underground tunnels.

The sign for the Bazaar, as seen from Trade Road.


The Bazaar seems to be walled in, at least seperately from the Residential District Zone. It is presumably the location of higher quality shops and vendors, and implied to be the location of NPCs for currently incompletable quests.

Known Possible Locations Within the BazaarEdit

  • Rob-In Build and Repair - which will be able to do "Fine" and "Quality" upgrades to the player's tenement.
  • Bazaar Bank - Hinted at during Passmore's section of the quest "Getting a Passport", as Passmore asks the player to see if the Bergman Maintenance Tunnels still connect to the bank from Tenement B.
  • Alco
  • Bakery
  • Bazaar Metro Station
  • Bookstore
  • Broms
  • Club Basement Bar
  • Hotel Korso
  • O-Iron
  • Osmo Olut Bar
  • Sewerview Inn
  • Welhö