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(Wrote the page, minus development. Edited layout, no achievements. Added dungeon to locations.)
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Sewer 3 is one of the shortest maps in the game, containing a single puzzle, but wealthy in information about Alex Hartman's manic search for Jeff Walter.

Before the events of Infra, after Alex Hartman attempted to track down Jeff Walter on his own, he had enlisted the help of Mikhail Rosenthal to find Walter. The search never got anywhere, and then Hartman was tipped off to Rosenthal being in cahoots with Walter. Hartman felt that he had no choice but to kidnap Rosenthal, and imprison him in Sewer3. He kept Mikhail Rosenthal inside of a small cell at the bottom of the sewers, with only a bucket and an old mattress to suit the needs of the former business man. Using a series of household tools, Hartman chained Rosenthal to a chair, and tortured the information of Walter's whereabouts out of him. Hartman proceeded to murder Rosenthal, and move on. During the events of Infra, Mark enters the area, documents the events, and moves on.

===Extended Sewer===
===Extended Sewer===
The extended sewer is the label given to the stretch of sewer under the control room of the previous map. It is in horrible condition, the waterways clogged with sludge and litter, glass windows in the control room broken, concrete crumbling, and masses of glowing green mushrooms growing in the sludge below. The air near the floor is visibly smokey with mushroom spores and gasses, and hardly breathable.
===Hartman's Dungeon===
Alex Hartman's dungeon was a simple set up. A small cell behind chain fences comprised the living quarters. The cell was furnished with an old, stained, mattress, a bucket, a chair, and chains. The outside of the cell is populated with household tools (screwdriver, pliers, hammer,) and a tape recording. It is inferred that this room was used to hold and torture Rosenthal to extract the information from him. The cassette tape and player left behind explains this leg in Alex Hartman's journey to finding Jeff Walter.


