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A list of every single item in Obenseuer divided into categories. Once completed the list can separated into different pages:(Not finished)

To see the category: Category:Items

Tools[edit | edit source]

These are items that the player can equip in their primary and secondary item slots. Once equipped, tools can be brought out and holstered by pressing 1 and flashlights can be switched on and off by pressing 2. Hand tools such as the sledgehammer, axe and pickaxe have a durability whereas electronic devices such as flashlights, the OsRat, detonators, and dosimeters are powered by batteries that must be reloaded by pressing R for flashlights and G for all other devices. Lockpicks only break when the player fails to pick a lock.


Items Sledgehammer.png

Tool held in primary hand, is used to break bricked passages, boarded passages and wooden crates. Hitting a Rat or a Glowing Rat will turn it into a Rat Meat or Glowing Rat Meat, respectively. Hitting a heated up Steel Bar will turn it into a Sheet Metal. Sledgehammer can be bought at Hardware Stall, rarely at One Stop Shop or found while looting storages. Sledgehammer can also be crafted using a Wood Log and a Sheet Metal at a Metalworking Workbench.

Locations to find



Tool held in primary hand, is used to break boarded passages and wooden crates and to gather wood. Hitting a Rat or a Glowing Rat will turn it into a Rat Meat or Glowing Rat Meat, respectively. Axe can be bought at Hardware Stall, rarely at One Stop Shop or found while looting storages. Axe can also be crafted using a Wood Log and a Steel Bar at a Metalworking Workbench, while not required, the crafting recipe can be given in daily Mail.

Locations to find


Item Pickaxe.png
Tool held in primary hand, is used to break bricked passages and to mine rocks. Pickaxe can be bought at Hardware Stall, rarely at One Stop Shop or found while looting storages.


There are three types of flashlights that the player can equip in in their secondary item slot. All flashlights are powered by D Batteries. Flashlights can be switched on and off by pressing 2 and must be reloaded by pressing R.

Flashlight This is the most basic flashlight.

It lasts for 2:40 real-time minutes which is 40 in-game minutes.

It can be found in containers or purchased at the O-Market.

Item Flashlight.png
Big Flashlight The is a large industrial flashlight.

It lasts for 3:20 real-time minutes which is 50 in-game minutes).

Placeholder view vector.svg
Super Flashlight This is the most power-efficient flashlight.

It lasts for 63:20 real-time minutes which is 15:50 minutes. The player can hold the LMB to increase the power of the light for 4 seconds.

Placeholder view vector.svg


Items Lockpick.png
Tool held in primary hand used in breaking locks to unlock doors, locker storages or suitcases.

Locations to find

  • Bought at Hardware Stall, Passmore, rarely at One Stop Shop or found while looting storages.
  • Crafted at a Metalworking Workbench using a Scrap Metal to craft 5.
  • Crafted at aa Metalworking Workbench using a Sheet Metal to craft 25.

OsRat[edit | edit source]

Main article: OsRat

The OsRat is a utility item equipped in the player's primary item slot. It allows the player to scan dead bodies and communicate with their spirits in the Other Side.

Detonator[edit | edit source]

Main article: Detonator

Dosimeter[edit | edit source]

Main article: Dosimeter

The dosimeter is a utility item equipped in the player's primary item slot. It is a personal radiation detector that displays both the current level of background radiation near the player and the total radiation dose accumulated by the player.

Guitar[edit | edit source]

Main article: Guitar Job

Clothing[edit | edit source]

These are items that can be equipped in the player's face slot and provide protection against toxic substances, such as toxic green mushroom spores. Facemasks have a durability that decreases gradually once equipped by the player and the Chemira O-11 Gasmask uses replaceable filters.

Single-use Facemask[edit | edit source]

Main article: Facemasks

Chemira O-11 Gasmask[edit | edit source]

Main article: Facemasks

Utility Items[edit | edit source]

These are items that either enable additional interactions, display additional information, or allow the player to interact with the world in new ways. These items do not need to be equipped by the player, just kept in the player's inventory or inserted into specific devices in the world.

Can Opener[edit | edit source]

Items Canopener.png
Tool kept inside inventory, is used to open canned food while eating directly or when used in cooking recipes. Can Opener can be bought at O-Market at the utility section, found while looting storages or can be crafted from a Sheet Metal and a Plastic Filament using a Metalworking Workbench. While not required, the crafting recipe can be given in daily Mail.


  • Used to start fires.
  • Used to Light cigarettes

Lighter[edit | edit source]

  • Used to start fires.
  • Used to Light cigarettes


Tells you which day it is and what time it is.

They can be found as stolen goods in tenements, bought rarely at the One Stop Shop or crafted after finding the recipe. You can acquire an Alarm Clock that functions as a normal watch which lets you choose how long you want to sleep.

Batteries D and AA

Fluid Containers

Name Capacity Value Extra Infos
Glass Bottle 0,3L

1Open Sewer Coins

Small Glass Bottle 0,5L

1Open Sewer Coins

Wine Bottle 1,5L

2Open Sewer Coins

Plastic Bottle 0,5L

1Open Sewer Coins

Large Plastic Bottle 1L

2Open Sewer Coins

10L Bottle 10L

8Open Sewer Coins

Buyable at O-Market for 75 Open Sewer Coins filled with clean water.
Plastic Canister 20L

12Open Sewer Coins

Plastic Bucket 8L

12Open Sewer Coins

Glass Flask 0,7L

16Open Sewer Coins

Mason Jar 2L

5Open Sewer Coins

Pint 1L

5Open Sewer Coins

Cup 0,2L

18Open Sewer Coins

Plastic Cup 0,2L

0Open Sewer Coins

Industrial Fuse

<Placeholder>[edit | edit source]

Backpacks[edit | edit source]

These are items that can be equipped in the player's backpack slot and provide additional storage space. Backpacks can be opened and closed via the inventory screen. Backpacks with items in them cannot be stored in the player's main inventory, they can only be dropped. Backpacks cannot be stored in other backpacks regardless of whether they have items in them or not.

Backpack[edit | edit source]

Main article: Backpack

24-slot backpack.

Rucksack[edit | edit source]

Main article: Rucksack

40-slot backpack.

Cooler Backpack[edit | edit source]

Tenement Resources[edit | edit source]

Main article: Renovations

Item Obtaining Usage
Planks Woodworking, Hardware Stall, Firewood Stall, One Stop Shop Walls I-IV; Bathroom I-IV; Kitchen I-IV
Scrap Metal Machining, Hardware Stall, One Stop Shop Walls I-IV; Bathroom I-IV; Kitchen I-IV
Pipes Blacksmithing, Hardware Stall, One Stop Shop Bathroom II-IV
Sand Hardware Stall, One Stop Shop Walls IV
Cement Hardware Stall Bathroom III,IV; Kitchen II-IV
Bucket of Paint Hardware Stall, One Stop Shop Walls III,IV; Kitchen III,IV
Wire Hardware Stall, One Stop Shop Walls II-IV; Bathroom II-IV
Wiring Component Hardware Stall, One Stop Shop Walls III,IV; Bathroom III,IV
Electronic Parts One Stop Shop Kitchen III,IV
Nails Blacksmithing, Hardware Stall, One Stop Shop Walls I-IV; Bathroom I-IV; Kitchen I-IV
Tarp Hardware Stall Walls I,II; Bathroom I
Sheet Metal One Stop Shop
Brick Hardware Stall
Cloth Roll Hardware Stall Walls II-IV
Glass Pane Blacksmithing, Hardware Stall Walls III; Bathroom II,IV
Plywood Woodworking, One Stop Shop, One Stop Shop Walls II-IV; Bathroom II-IV; Kitchen II-IV
Mechanical Parts Machining, One Stop Shop Bathroom IV; Kitchen III,IV
Insulation wool Hardware Stall
Asbestos Hardware Stall, One Stop Shop
Furniture Parts Woodworking, Hardware Stall Walls IV
Computer Parts
Industrial Fuse Hardware Stall, One Stop Shop
Firewood Firewood Stall, One Stop Shop
Rock Hardware Stall
Duct Tape Hardware Stall Walls I,II; Kitchen I,II
Mesh Hardware Stall
Leather Roll One Stop Shop Basement Sauna I,II; Sauna and Pier I

(NOTE: The building resources are not guaranteed to be available every day, but the vendors listed are your best bet, and can also be obtained throughout the map in storage items.)

Furniture[edit | edit source]

Use in-game categories here.











Food[edit | edit source]

A list of all of the food items in Obenseuer.

Note: The player can make certain canned foods, however, as these foods can also be purchased, be found in the game world, and have "Canned" in the name, these have been placed in "Canned Food".

Note: Foods that can ONLY be made by the player and CANNOT be purchased can be found in the "Recipe Food" category.

Note: Certain recipe foods can be purchased in the Mines Canteen or are given to the player when they are arrested, these can also be found in Recipe Food.

Canned Food[edit | edit source]

Item Base Value Description Stack Size Nutrition Item ID
Canned Meat 10Open Sewer Coins It's a meat in metal can 16 25 24080
Canned Cabbage 13Open Sewer Coins It's a damn green cabbage 8 30 11320
Canned Peas 12Open Sewer Coins 8 30 11340
Canned Sugar Beet 9Open Sewer Coins 8 30 11350
Canned Onion 10Open Sewer Coins 8 30 11360
Canned Potatoes 8Open Sewer Coins 8 30 11370
Canned Turnips 8Open Sewer Coins 8 30 11380
Canned Carrots 12Open Sewer Coins 8 30 11390
Canned Bell Peppers 29Open Sewer Coins 8 30 11400
Canned Cucumbers 14Open Sewer Coins 8 30 11410
Canned Leeks 12Open Sewer Coins 8 30 11420
Watermelon Jam 38Open Sewer Coins 8 30 11430
Canned Tomatoes 25Open Sewer Coins 8 30 11440
Apple Jam 42Open Sewer Coins 8 30 11450
Can of Pea Soup 4Open Sewer Coins 8 30 12860
Canned tuna 10Open Sewer Coins It's a tuna in metal can 16 25 12880
Canned Pineapple 10Open Sewer Coins It's a pineapple in a metal can 16 25 12890
Sour Herring 10Open Sewer Coins It's a sour herring in metal can 16 25 12900
Canned Sardines 10Open Sewer Coins It's a sardines in metal can 16 25 12910
Canned Vendaces 10Open Sewer Coins It's a vendaces in metal can 16 25 12920
Can of Peaches 4Open Sewer Coins 8 30 12950
Can of Tomato Soup 4Open Sewer Coins 8 30 12960

Snacks[edit | edit source]

Item Base Value Description Stack Size Nutrition Item ID
Evil Bear Candy Bag 30Open Sewer Coins A bag of bear shaped soft candies 6 5 24020
Lies Potato Chips 50Open Sewer Coins A bag of salted potato chips with a generous amount of slack fill 6 8 24030
Turnip Chips 30Open Sewer Coins A bag of salted turnip chips 6 10 24040
Sugar Flakes 20Open Sewer Coins It's a sugar flakes cereal package 6 10 24090
Carl Fatler Chocolate Bar 70Open Sewer Coins A bar of milk chocolate 6 24 11520
Kitties Candy Bag 30Open Sewer Coins A bag of cat-shaped soft candies 6 5 12930
Mättöx Candy Bag 50Open Sewer Coins A bag of various candies 6 8 12940
Pluto Candy Bar 10Open Sewer Coins A chocolate bar named after a dwarf planet 12 12 12970

Fruit & Vegetables[edit | edit source]

Item Base Value Description Stack Size Nutrition Item ID
Turnip 1Open Sewer Coins Healthy root vegetable 16 8 12
Onion 3Open Sewer Coins It has layers 16 6 13
Potato 2Open Sewer Coins It's a potato 16 10 21
Cabbage 4Open Sewer Coins It's a damn green cabbage 8 15 22010
Sugar Beet 2Open Sewer Coins It's a turnip that can be made into sugar 16 5 22020
Carrot 3Open Sewer Coins It's an orange healthy vegetable 32 12 22030
Peas 5Open Sewer Coins They're green circular things 32 8 22040
Lettuce 2Open Sewer Coins Crunchy green stuff which won't feed you 32 2 22050
Bag of Mushrooms 4Open Sewer Coins Mushrooms, but without effects 8 10 22060
Leek 3Open Sewer Coins It's a leek 8 2 10350
Betel Palm Nut 4Open Sewer Coins It's an addictive nut of a betel palm 16 5 10430
Watermelon 18Open Sewer Coins It's a large round fruit with juicy inside 8 15 10600
Tomato 3Open Sewer Coins It's a tomato 16 10 10610
Apple 3Open Sewer Coins It's an apple 16 10 10620
Cucumber 4Open Sewer Coins 16 8 11050
Bell Pepper 6Open Sewer Coins It's a pepper 16 8 12820
Juniper Berries 8Open Sewer Coins They're almost black circular things 32 3 14640

Bread[edit | edit source]

Item Base Value Description Stack Size Nutrition Item ID
Rye Bread 10Open Sewer Coins Bread baked from rye flour 8 25 24100
White Bread 10Open Sewer Coins soft white bread baked from wheat flour 8 25 10650
Multigrain Bread 10Open Sewer Coins Bread baked with a mixture of wheat and rye flour 8 30 12870

Glowing Bread[edit | edit source]

Item Base Value Description Stack Size Nutrition Item ID
Glowing Rye Bread 12Open Sewer Coins Bread baked from rye flour, laced with mushrooms 8 25 24101
Glowing White Bread 10Open Sewer Coins white bread baked from wheat flour, laced with mushrooms 8 25 11060
Glowing Multigrain Bread 10Open Sewer Coins Bread baked with a mixture of wheat and rye flour, laced with mushrooms 8 30 10660

Meat[edit | edit source]

Item Base Value Description Stack Size Nutrition Item ID
Sausage 9Open Sewer Coins It's a sausage 8 20 14
Lenkki Sausages 15Open Sewer Coins A package of two sausages 8 35 24070
Chicken Meat 20Open Sewer Coins It's a raw chicken meat 8 10 26010
Mystery Meat 1Open Sewer Coins It's a mysterious meat 8 10 26020
Rat Meat 3Open Sewer Coins It's a rat meat 8 8 26030
Cat Meat 6Open Sewer Coins It's a cat meat 8 10 26040
Dog Meat 7Open Sewer Coins It's a meat from your best friend 8 10 26050
Pork 25Open Sewer Coins It's meat made from pig 8 10 26060
Beef 35Open Sewer Coins The flesh of a cow 8 20 26070
Sewer Fish 15Open Sewer Coins Dead fish from sewer 8 10 26080
Minced Meat 8Open Sewer Coins It's minced meat 8 20 26510
Salmon 68Open Sewer Coins Dead fish 8 10 16450
Perch 33Open Sewer Coins Dead fish 8 10 16460
Pike 50Open Sewer Coins Dead fish 8 10 16470
Mussel 4Open Sewer Coins Rare and protected species. Do not stir their habitats with forestry machines 8 4 16860

Glowing Meat[edit | edit source]

Item Base Value Description Stack Size Nutrition Item ID
Glowing Sausage 10Open Sewer Coins It's a glowing sausage 8 20 14001
Glowing Chicken Meat 22Open Sewer Coins It's a raw mushroom chicken meat 8 10 26011
Glowing Mystery Meat 2Open Sewer Coins It's a mysterious glowing meat 8 10 26021
Glowing Rat Meat 4Open Sewer Coins It's a mushroom rat meat 8 8 26031
Glowing Cat Meat 7Open Sewer Coins It's a glowing cat meat 8 10 26041
Glowing Dog Meat 8Open Sewer Coins It's a meat from your best glowing friend 8 10 26051
Glowing Pork 27Open Sewer Coins It's meat made from glowing pig 8 10 26061
Glowing Beef 36Open Sewer Coins The flesh of a glowing cow 8 20 26071
Glowing Sewer Fish 12Open Sewer Coins Dead glowing fish from sewer 8 10 26081
Glowing Minced Meat 7Open Sewer Coins It's glowing minced meat 8 20 26511
Glowing Salmon 62Open Sewer Coins Dead glowing fish 8 10 16600
Glowing Perch 28Open Sewer Coins Dead glowing fish 8 10 16610
Glowing Pike 44Open Sewer Coins Dead glowing fish 8 10 16620

Dairy[edit | edit source]

Item Base Value Description Stack Size Nutrition Item ID
Milk 7Open Sewer Coins Fat-free Stalburg milk 8 50 20210
Cheese 13Open Sewer Coins It's a pack of cheese 8 25 24060

Animal Products[edit | edit source]

These are foods that can be eaten or used as an ingredient, however, they can also be used in Animal Husbandry. Fish eggs can be put into an aquarium to spawn fish and eggs can be fertilized and hatch chickens.

Item Base Value Description Stack Size Nutrition Item ID
Sewer Fish Eggs 16Open Sewer Coins 16 3 10500
Egg 2Open Sewer Coins It's a raw egg 10 3 14850
Fertilized Egg 2Open Sewer Coins It's a fertilized egg 1 3 15820
Perch Eggs 29Open Sewer Coins 16 3 16510
Pike Eggs 38Open Sewer Coins 16 3 16520
Salmon Eggs 46Open Sewer Coins 16 3 16530

Ready Meals[edit | edit source]

Item Base Value Description Stack Size Nutrition Item ID
Meatballs 35Open Sewer Coins Minced meat in the form of balls 4 33 14570
Smashed Potatoes 20Open Sewer Coins Almost as good as what grandma made 4 33 14580
Pierogi 72Open Sewer Coins A meal from Poland 16 46 14890

Frozen[edit | edit source]

Item Base Value Description Stack Size Nutrition Item ID
Frozen Fish 20Open Sewer Coins It's a frozen fish pack 16 180110
Microwave Pizza 15Open Sewer Coins A small minced meat pizza commonly referred to as the "Mudflap" 8 35 24010
Mämmi 26Open Sewer Coins It's a traditional Finnish dessert 8 50 24050
Frozen French Fries 12Open Sewer Coins It's a bag of frozen French fries 1 14790
Vanilla Ice Cream 26Open Sewer Coins It's a brick of vanilla ice cream 1 10 15860

Ingredients[edit | edit source]

Item Base Value Description Stack Size Nutrition Item ID
Malts 10Open Sewer Coins Germinated cereal grains 8 180030
Macaroni 6Open Sewer Coins It's a cheap bag of macaroni 8 180040
Sugar 5Open Sewer Coins It's a sugar that can be used in food 8 180050
Yeast 10Open Sewer Coins It's a small pack of yeast 8 180060
Sugar Beet Juice 3Open Sewer Coins Sugary liquid, can be dried into sugar 16 5 22025
Homemade Rye Flour 5Open Sewer Coins Hand ground rye flour 4 11110
Homemade Wheat Flour 5Open Sewer Coins hand ground wheat flour 4 11120
Packaged Chicken 30Open Sewer Coins 4 1 11460
Packaged Beef 45Open Sewer Coins 4 1 11470
Packaged Pork 45Open Sewer Coins 4 1 11480
Packaged Minced Meat 16Open Sewer Coins 4 1 11490
Rye Flour 5Open Sewer Coins A bag of store bought rye flour 4 11500
Wheat Flour 5Open Sewer Coins A bag of store bought wheat flour 4 11510
Hops 20Open Sewer Coins A bag of store bought hops 6 13310
Rice 15Open Sewer Coins A bag of rice 6 13400
Tablesalt 9Open Sewer Coins It's cheap table salt! 1 14780
Egg Carton 20Open Sewer Coins 10 pack of eggs 1 0 14840
Butterine 14Open Sewer Coins A mix of butter and margarine 1 16790

Recipe Food[edit | edit source]

Main Article: Cooking

Item Base Value Description Stack Size Nutrition Item ID
Sawdust Rye Bread 5Open Sewer Coins Bread baked from rye flour with some sawdust mixed in to save flour 8 15 24105
Chicken Steak 22Open Sewer Coins It's a chicken steak 8 20 26015
Mystery Steak 3Open Sewer Coins It's a steak made of mystery 8 12 26025
Rat Steak 4Open Sewer Coins It's a rat steak 8 16 26035
Cat Steak 7Open Sewer Coins It's a cat steak 8 20 26045
Dog Steak 8Open Sewer Coins It's a dog steak 8 20 26055
Pork Steak 28Open Sewer Coins It's steak made from pig 8 20 26065
Beef Steak 40Open Sewer Coins Steak of a cow 8 33 26075
Grilled Fish 18Open Sewer Coins It's a fish that is grilled 8 40 26085
Chicken Pizza 120Open Sewer Coins It's a pizza with chicken 1 20 26710
Chicken Sawdust Pizza 100Open Sewer Coins It's a pizza with chicken and sawdust 1 12 26711
Mystery Pizza 80Open Sewer Coins It's a mysterious pizza 1 20 26720
Mystery Sawdust Pizza 60Open Sewer Coins It's a mysterious pizza with sawdust 1 12 26721
Rat Pizza 60Open Sewer Coins It's a pizza with rat 1 20 26730
Rat Sawdust Pizza 40Open Sewer Coins It's a pizza with rat and sawdust 1 12 26731
Cat Pizza 80Open Sewer Coins It's a pizza with cat meat 1 20 26740
Cat Sawdust Pizza 60Open Sewer Coins It's a pizza with cat meat and sawdust 1 12 26741
Dog Pizza 80Open Sewer Coins It's a pizza with dog meat 1 20 26750
Dog Sawdust Pizza 60Open Sewer Coins It's a pizza with dog meat and sawdust 1 12 26751
Pork Pizza 120Open Sewer Coins It's a pizza with pork 1 20 26760
Pork Sawdust Pizza 100Open Sewer Coins It's a pizza with pork and sawdust 1 12 26761
Beef Pizza 140Open Sewer Coins It's a pizza with beef 1 25 26770
Beef Sawdust Pizza 120Open Sewer Coins It's a pizza with beef and sawdust 1 15 26771
Minced Meat Pizza 110Open Sewer Coins It's a pizza with minced meat 1 20 26780
Minced Meat Sawdust Pizza 90Open Sewer Coins It's a pizza with minced meat and sawdust 1 12 26781
Macaroni Casserole 54Open Sewer Coins Bowl of macaroni with minced meat 1 40 26810
Hot Dog 16Open Sewer Coins It's a local hot dog 4 25 26820
Sawdust Hot Dog 10Open Sewer Coins It's a local sawdust hot dog 4 15 26825
Hamburger 30Open Sewer Coins Hamburger 4 35 26830
Sawdust Hamburger 20Open Sewer Coins A sandwich consisting of mushrooms and sawdust 4 25 26835
Shit and Chips 7Open Sewer Coins It's a brown stuff with chips 4 20 26840
Cabbage Soup 50Open Sewer Coins Cabbage in more tolerable form 4 80 26850
Turnip Soup 50Open Sewer Coins Chunks of turnips floating in a bowl 4 30 26860
Sausage Soup 70Open Sewer Coins Chunks of sausages floating in a bowl 4 40 26870
Bowl of Cereal 12Open Sewer Coins A bowl of sugar flakes and milk 4 33 26880
Baked Turnip 5Open Sewer Coins It's a baked root vegetable 8 20 27010
Grilled Turnip 3Open Sewer Coins It's a grilled root vegetable 8 16 27011
Boiled Turnip 4Open Sewer Coins It's a boiled root vegetable 8 18 27012
Baked Potato 7Open Sewer Coins It's a baked potato 8 20 27020
Grilled Potato 4Open Sewer Coins It's a grilled potato 8 16 27021
Boiled Potato 5Open Sewer Coins It's a boiled potato 8 18 27022
Chicken Rye Sandwich 20Open Sewer Coins Bread with chicken 8 25 27110
Chicken Sawdust Rye Sandwich 15Open Sewer Coins Bread with chicken and sawdust 8 15 27115
Mystery Rye Sandwich 10Open Sewer Coins Bread with mystery 8 25 27120
Mystery Sawdust Rye Sandwich 5Open Sewer Coins Bread with mystery and sawdust 8 15 27125
Rat Rye Sandwich 8Open Sewer Coins Bread with rat 8 25 27130
Rat Sawdust Rye Sandwich 4Open Sewer Coins Bread with rat and sawdust 8 15 27135
Cat Rye Sandwich 10Open Sewer Coins Bread with cat 8 25 27140
Cat Sawdust Rye Sandwich 5Open Sewer Coins Bread with cat and sawdust 8 15 27145
Dog Rye Sandwich 13Open Sewer Coins Bread with animal cruelty 8 25 27150
Dog Sawdust Rye Sandwich 8Open Sewer Coins Bread with dog and sawdust 8 15 27155
Pork Rye Sandwich 23Open Sewer Coins Bread with oink 8 25 27160
Pork Sawdust Rye Sandwich 15Open Sewer Coins Bread with pork and sawdust 8 15 27165
Beef Rye Sandwich 30Open Sewer Coins Bread with methane source animal 8 25 27170
Beef Sawdust Rye Sandwich 20Open Sewer Coins Bread with beef and sawdust 8 15 27175
Microwaved Potato 1Open Sewer Coins It's a potato who has been in a microwave 16 10 10050
Pea Soup 40Open Sewer Coins 8 35 10640
Microwaved Turnip 2Open Sewer Coins 1 8 10800
Onion Soup 70Open Sewer Coins 8 20 11040
Sawdust White Bread 10Open Sewer Coins white bread baked from wheat flour with some sawdust mixed in to save flour 8 15 11070
Sawdust Multigrain Bread 10Open Sewer Coins Bread baked with a mixture of wheat and rye flour 8 20 11090
Vegetable Soup 60Open Sewer Coins 8 35 11160
Tomato Soup 60Open Sewer Coins 8 35 11170
Beef Wheat Sandwich 30Open Sewer Coins Bread with methane source animal 8 25 11610
Beef Sawdust Wheat Sandwich 20Open Sewer Coins Bread with beef and sawdust 8 15 11620
Cat Wheat Sandwich 10Open Sewer Coins Bread with cat 8 25 11650
Cat Sawdust Wheat Sandwich 5Open Sewer Coins Bread with cat and sawdust 8 15 11660
Chicken Wheat Sandwich 20Open Sewer Coins Bread with chicken 8 25 11690
Chicken Sawdust Wheat Sandwich 15Open Sewer Coins Bread with chicken and sawdust 8 15 11700
Dog Wheat Sandwich 13Open Sewer Coins Bread with animal cruelty 8 25 11730
Dog Sawdust Wheat Sandwich 8Open Sewer Coins Bread with dog and sawdust 8 15 11740
Mystery Wheat Sandwich 10Open Sewer Coins Bread with mystery 8 25 11770
Mystery Sawdust Wheat Sandwich 5Open Sewer Coins Bread with mystery and sawdust 8 15 11780
Pork Wheat Sandwich 23Open Sewer Coins Bread with oink 8 25 11810
Pork Sawdust Wheat Sandwich 15Open Sewer Coins Bread with pork and sawdust 8 15 11820
Rat Wheat Sandwich 8Open Sewer Coins Bread with rat 8 25 11850
Rat Sawdust Wheat Sandwich 4Open Sewer Coins Bread with rat and sawdust 8 15 11860
Beef Multigrain Sandwich 30Open Sewer Coins Bread with methane source animal 8 25 11890
Beef Sawdust Multigrain Sandwich 20Open Sewer Coins Bread with beef and sawdust 8 15 11900
Cat Multigrain Sandwich 10Open Sewer Coins Bread with cat 8 25 11930
Cat Sawdust Multigrain Sandwich 5Open Sewer Coins Bread with cat and sawdust 8 15 11940
Chicken Multigrain Sandwich 20Open Sewer Coins Bread with chicken 8 25 11970
Chicken Sawdust Multigrain Sandwich 15Open Sewer Coins Bread with chicken and sawdust 8 15 11980
Dog Multigrain Sandwich 13Open Sewer Coins Bread with animal cruelty 8 25 12010
Dog Sawdust Multigrain Sandwich 8Open Sewer Coins Bread with dog and sawdust 8 15 12020
Mystery Multigrain Sandwich 10Open Sewer Coins Bread with mystery 8 25 12050
Mystery Sawdust Multigrain Sandwich 5Open Sewer Coins Bread with mystery and sawdust 8 15 12060
Pork Multigrain Sandwich 23Open Sewer Coins Bread with oink 8 25 12090
Pork Sawdust Multigrain Sandwich 15Open Sewer Coins Bread with pork and sawdust 8 15 12100
Rat Multigrain Sandwich 8Open Sewer Coins Bread with rat 8 25 12130
Rat Sawdust Multigrain Sandwich 4Open Sewer Coins Bread with rat and sawdust 8 15 12140
Apple Pie 120Open Sewer Coins Something really delicious 1 25 12850
Heated Microwave Pizza 15Open Sewer Coins A small heated minced meat pizza commonly referred to as the "Mudflap" 8 35 13571
Vegetable Pie 120Open Sewer Coins Something really delicious 1 25 10810
Meat Pie 120Open Sewer Coins Something really delicious 1 30 13590
Fish n' Chips 80Open Sewer Coins 16 50 13820
Fish Sticks with Smashed Potatoes 65Open Sewer Coins 16 45 13830
Chicken Breast with Rice and Onions 80Open Sewer Coins 16 50 13840
Chicken Curry Sauce with Rice 75Open Sewer Coins 16 40 13850
Hash 65Open Sewer Coins 16 40 13860
Meatballs with Smashed Potatoes 80Open Sewer Coins 16 50 13870
Oven Sausages with Smashed Potatoes 75Open Sewer Coins 16 50 13880
Pasta Bolognese 70Open Sewer Coins 16 40 13890
Pork Steak with Vegetables 80Open Sewer Coins 16 55 13900
Potatoes with Meat Sauce 65Open Sewer Coins 16 40 13910
Steak with Fries 95Open Sewer Coins 16 65 13920
Baked Watermelon 6Open Sewer Coins It's a large round fruit with juicy inside 8 15 13940
Boiled Watermelon 5Open Sewer Coins It's a large round fruit with juicy inside 8 15 13950
Grilled Watermelon 7Open Sewer Coins It's a large round fruit with juicy inside 8 15 13960
Microwaved Watermelon 4Open Sewer Coins It's a large round fruit with juicy inside 8 15 13970
Hamburger Patty 15Open Sewer Coins Raw meat shaped to fit a hamburger 8 15 13990
Hamburger Bun 5Open Sewer Coins A round-shaped bun 8 5 14010
Sawdust Hamburger Bun 3Open Sewer Coins A round-shaped sawdust bun 8 3 14020
Porridge 35Open Sewer Coins Filling and healthy 4 80 14030
Porridge (Disposable Bowl) 35Open Sewer Coins Filling and healthy 4 80 14040
Hot Dog Bun 4Open Sewer Coins Oblong bun 8 5 14050
Sawdust Hot Dog Bun 4Open Sewer Coins Oblong bun 8 5 14060
Hot Dog Bun Pack 32Open Sewer Coins Package with 8 oblong buns 1 0 14070
Hot Dog Wiener Pack 32Open Sewer Coins Package with 8 weiners 4 0 14090
Hot Dog Wiener 4Open Sewer Coins Smaller than a sausage 8 10 14080
Cooked Minced Meat 8Open Sewer Coins It's cooked minced meat 8 20 14110
Boiled Macaroni 8Open Sewer Coins Bowl of macaroni 4 20 14200
Boiled Rice 16Open Sewer Coins Bowl of rice 4 10 14210
French Fries 15Open Sewer Coins It's French fries 1 15 14800
Boiled Egg 2Open Sewer Coins It's a boiled egg 10 10 15850
Fried Egg 3Open Sewer Coins 16 12 15910
Smoked Salmon 205Open Sewer Coins Tasty cold smoked salmon 8 15 16800
Smoked Pike 127Open Sewer Coins Tasty smoked pike 8 10 16810
Smoked Perch 49Open Sewer Coins Tasty smoked perch 8 8 16820
Steamed Mussels 72Open Sewer Coins Tasty steamed mussels 16 46 16870
Smoked Fish 20Open Sewer Coins It's a fish that is smoked 8 40 16880
Grilled Salmon 156Open Sewer Coins Tasty grilled salmon 8 15 16900
Grilled Perch 37Open Sewer Coins Tasty grilled perch 8 8 16920
Grilled Pike 97Open Sewer Coins Tasty grilled pike 8 10 16940
Deep Fried Rat 8Open Sewer Coins It's crispy 8 22 16960
Deep Fried Mystery 6Open Sewer Coins It's crispy 8 25 16990
Deep Fried Cat 14Open Sewer Coins It's a cat steak 8 26 17010
Deep Fried Dog 16Open Sewer Coins It's crispy 8 27 17030
Deep Fried Chicken 35Open Sewer Coins It's cripsy 8 28 17050
Deep Fried Pork 42Open Sewer Coins It's crispy 8 28 17070
Deepfried Beef 55Open Sewer Coins It's crispy 8 40 17090

Glowing Recipe Food[edit | edit source]

Main Article: Cooking

Item Base Value Description Stack Size Nutrition Item ID
Glowing Sawdust Rye Bread 6Open Sewer Coins Bread baked from rye flour with some sawdust mixed in to save flour, laced with mushrooms 8 15 24106
Glowing Chicken Steak 25Open Sewer Coins It's a chicken mushroom steak 8 20 26016
Glowing Mystery Steak 4Open Sewer Coins It's a glowing a mysterious steak 8 12 26026
Glowing Rat Steak 5Open Sewer Coins It's a glowing rat steak 8 16 26036
Glowing Cat Steak 8Open Sewer Coins It's a glowing cat steak 8 20 26046
Glowing Dog Steak 9Open Sewer Coins It's a glowing dog steak 8 20 26056
Glowing Pork Steak 29Open Sewer Coins It's steak made from glowing pig 8 20 26066
Glowing Beef Steak 42Open Sewer Coins Steak of a glowing cow 8 33 26076
Glowing Grilled Fish 15Open Sewer Coins It's a glowing fish that is grilled 8 40 26086
Glowing Chicken Pizza 140Open Sewer Coins It's a glowing pizza with chicken 1 20 26715
Glowing Chicken Sawdust Pizza 120Open Sewer Coins It's a glowing pizza with chicken and sawdust 1 12 26716
Glowing Mystery Pizza 100Open Sewer Coins It's a mysterious glowing pizza 1 20 26725
Glowing Mystery Sawdust Pizza 80Open Sewer Coins It's a mysterious glowing pizza with sawdust 1 12 26726
Glowing Rat Pizza 80Open Sewer Coins It's a glowing pizza with rat 1 20 26735
Glowing Rat Sawdust Pizza 60Open Sewer Coins It's a glowing pizza with rat and sawdust 1 12 26736
Glowing Cat Pizza 100Open Sewer Coins It's a glowing pizza with cat meat 1 20 26745
Glowing Cat Sawdust Pizza 80Open Sewer Coins It's a glowing pizza with cat meat and sawdust 1 12 26746
Glowing Dog Pizza 100Open Sewer Coins It's a glowing pizza with dog meat 1 20 26755
Glowing Dog Sawdust Pizza 80Open Sewer Coins It's a glowing pizza with dog meat and sawdust 1 12 26756
Glowing Pork Pizza 140Open Sewer Coins It's a glowing pizza with pork 1 20 26765
Glowing Pork Sawdust Pizza 120Open Sewer Coins It's a glowing pizza with pork and sawdust 1 12 26766
Glowing Beef Pizza 160Open Sewer Coins It's a glowing pizza with beef 1 25 26775
Glowing Beef Sawdust Pizza 140Open Sewer Coins It's a glowing pizza with beef and sawdust 1 15 26776
Glowing Minced Meat Pizza 130Open Sewer Coins It's a glowing pizza with minced meat 1 20 26785
Glowing Minced Meat Sawdust Pizza 110Open Sewer Coins It's a glowing pizza with minced meat and sawdust 1 12 26786
Glowing Macaroni Casserole 56Open Sewer Coins Bowl of macaroni with minced meat and mushrooms 1 40 26811
Glowing Hot Dog 17Open Sewer Coins It's a local mushroom hot dog 4 25 26821
Glowing Sawdust Hot Dog 11Open Sewer Coins It's a local sawdust mushroom hot dog 4 15 26826
Glowing Hamburger 35Open Sewer Coins A sandwich consisting of mushrooms. Umm... and mushrooms 4 35 26831
Glowing Sawdust Hamburger 25Open Sewer Coins A sandwich consisting of mushrooms and sawdust 4 25 26836
Glowing Cabbage Soup 60Open Sewer Coins Cabbage in even more tolerable form 4 80 26851
Glowing Sausage Soup 80Open Sewer Coins Chunks of glowing sausages floating in a bowl 4 40 26871
Glowing Chicken Rye Sandwich 20Open Sewer Coins Glowing Bread with chicken 8 25 27111
Glowing Chicken Sawdust Rye Sandwich 15Open Sewer Coins Glowing Bread with chicken and sawdust 8 15 27116
Glowing Mystery Rye Sandwich 10Open Sewer Coins Bread with mystery 8 25 27121
Glowing Mystery Sawdust Rye Sandwich 5Open Sewer Coins Bread with mystery and sawdust 8 15 27126
Glowing Rat Rye Sandwich 8Open Sewer Coins Bread with rat 8 25 27131
Glowing Rat Sawdust Rye Sandwich 4Open Sewer Coins Bread with rat and sawdust 8 15 27136
Glowing Cat Rye Sandwich 10Open Sewer Coins Bread with cat 8 25 27141
Glowing Cat Sawdust Rye Sandwich 5Open Sewer Coins Bread with cat and sawdust 8 15 27146
Glowing Dog Rye Sandwich 13Open Sewer Coins Bread with dog 8 25 27151
Glowing Dog Sawdust Rye Sandwich 8Open Sewer Coins Bread with dog and sawdust 8 15 27156
Glowing Pork Rye Sandwich 23Open Sewer Coins Bread with pork 8 25 27161
Glowing Pork Sawdust Rye Sandwich 15Open Sewer Coins Bread with pork and sawdust 8 15 27166
Glowing Beef Rye Sandwich 30Open Sewer Coins Bread with beef 8 25 27171
Glowing Beef Sawdust Rye Sandwich 20Open Sewer Coins Bread with beef and sawdust 8 15 27176
Glowing Turnip Soup 60Open Sewer Coins 1 40 10870
Glowing Pea Soup 50Open Sewer Coins 8 35 11030
Glowing Sawdust White Bread 10Open Sewer Coins white bread baked from wheat flour with some sawdust mixed in to save flour, laced with mushrooms 8 15 11080
Glowing Sawdust Multigrain Bread 10Open Sewer Coins Bread baked with a mixture of wheat and rye flour, laced with mushrooms 8 20 11100
Glowing Vegetable Soup 60Open Sewer Coins 8 35 11140
Glowing Onion Soup 10Open Sewer Coins 8 20 11150
Glowing Tomato Soup 70Open Sewer Coins 8 35 11180
Glowing Beef Wheat Sandwich 30Open Sewer Coins Bread with beef 8 25 11630
Glowing Beef Sawdust Wheat Sandwich 20Open Sewer Coins Bread with beef and sawdust 8 15 11640
Glowing Cat Wheat Sandwich 10Open Sewer Coins Bread with cat 8 25 11670
Glowing Cat Sawdust Wheat Sandwich 5Open Sewer Coins Bread with cat and sawdust 8 15 11680
Glowing Chicken Wheat Sandwich 20Open Sewer Coins Glowing Bread with chicken 8 25 11710
Glowing Chicken Sawdust Wheat Sandwich 15Open Sewer Coins Glowing Bread with chicken and sawdust 8 15 11720
Glowing Dog Wheat Sandwich 13Open Sewer Coins Bread with dog 8 25 11750
Glowing Dog Sawdust Wheat Sandwich 8Open Sewer Coins Bread with dog and sawdust 8 15 11760
Glowing Mystery Wheat Sandwich 10Open Sewer Coins Bread with mystery 8 25 11790
Glowing Mystery Sawdust Wheat Sandwich 5Open Sewer Coins Bread with mystery and sawdust 8 15 11800
Glowing Pork Wheat Sandwich 23Open Sewer Coins Bread with pork 8 25 11830
Glowing Pork Sawdust Wheat Sandwich 15Open Sewer Coins Bread with pork and sawdust 8 15 11840
Glowing Rat Wheat Sandwich 8Open Sewer Coins Bread with rat 8 25 11870
Glowing Rat Sawdust Wheat Sandwich 4Open Sewer Coins Bread with rat and sawdust 8 15 11880
Glowing Beef Multigrain Sandwich 30Open Sewer Coins Bread with beef 8 25 11910
Glowing Beef Sawdust Multigrain Sandwich 20Open Sewer Coins Bread with beef and sawdust 8 15 11920
Glowing Cat Multigrain Sandwich 10Open Sewer Coins Bread with cat 8 25 11950
Glowing Cat Sawdust Multigrain Sandwich 5Open Sewer Coins Bread with cat and sawdust 8 15 11960
Glowing Chicken Multigrain Sandwich 20Open Sewer Coins Glowing Bread with chicken 8 25 11990
Glowing Chicken Sawdust Multigrain Sandwich 15Open Sewer Coins Glowing Bread with chicken and sawdust 8 15 12000
Glowing Dog Multigrain Sandwich 13Open Sewer Coins Bread with dog 8 25 12030
Glowing Dog Sawdust Multigrain Sandwich 8Open Sewer Coins Bread with dog and sawdust 8 15 12040
Glowing Mystery Multigrain Sandwich 10Open Sewer Coins Bread with mystery 8 25 12070
Glowing Mystery Sawdust Multigrain Sandwich 5Open Sewer Coins Bread with mystery and sawdust 8 15 12080
Glowing Pork Multigrain Sandwich 23Open Sewer Coins Bread with pork 8 25 12110
Glowing Pork Sawdust Multigrain Sandwich 15Open Sewer Coins Bread with pork and sawdust 8 15 12120
Glowing Rat Multigrain Sandwich 8Open Sewer Coins Bread with rat 8 25 12150
Glowing Rat Sawdust Multigrain Sandwich 4Open Sewer Coins Bread with rat and sawdust 8 15 12160
Glowing Vegetable Pie 120Open Sewer Coins Something really delicious 1 25 13581
Glowing Meat Pie 120Open Sewer Coins Something really delicious 1 33 13600
Glowing Apple Pie 120Open Sewer Coins Something really delicious 1 25 13750
Glowing Hamburger Patty 15Open Sewer Coins Glowing raw meat shaped to fit a hamburger 8 15 14000
Glowing Hot Dog Wiener 4Open Sewer Coins Smaller than a sausage 8 10 14100
Glowing Cooked Minced Meat 7Open Sewer Coins It's cooked glowing minced meat 8 20 14120
Glowing Sewer Fish Eggs 12Open Sewer Coins 16 3 14130
Glowing Perch Eggs 25Open Sewer Coins 16 3 16540
Glowing Pike Eggs 36Open Sewer Coins 16 3 16550
Glowing Salmon Eggs 42Open Sewer Coins 16 3 16560
Smoked Glowing Salmon 190Open Sewer Coins Tasty shroomy cold smoked salmon 8 15 16830
Smoked Glowing Pike 101Open Sewer Coins Tasty shroomy smoked pike 8 10 16840
Smoked Glowing Perch 41Open Sewer Coins Tasty shroomy smoked perch 8 8 16850
Glowing Smoked Fish 18Open Sewer Coins It's a glowing fish that is smoked 8 40 16890
Grilled Glowing Salmon 140Open Sewer Coins Tasty shroomy grilled salmon 8 15 16910
Grilled Glowing Perch 32Open Sewer Coins Tasty shroomy grilled perch 8 8 16930
Grilled Glowing Pike 82Open Sewer Coins Tasty shroomy grilled pike 8 10 16950
Glowing Deep Fried Rat 9Open Sewer Coins It's crispy 8 22 16970
Glowing Deep Fried Mystery 7Open Sewer Coins It's crispy 8 12 17000
Glowing Deep Fried Cat 15Open Sewer Coins It's a glowing cat steak 8 26 17020
Glowing Deep Fried Dog 17Open Sewer Coins It's crispy 8 27 17040
Glowing Deep Fried Chicken 37Open Sewer Coins It's crispy 8 28 17060
Glowing Deep Fried Pork 44Open Sewer Coins It's crispy 8 28 17080
Glowing Deep Fried Beef 57Open Sewer Coins It's crispy 8 40 17100

Unused Food[edit | edit source]

These are foods that are present in the game's files but are not used in-game. However, they can be spawned in using their Item IDs.

Item Base Value Description Stack Size Nutrition Item ID
Milk 12Open Sewer Coins It's good for bones 1 5 13460
Cabbage Soup (Disposable Bowl) 50Open Sewer Coins Cabbage in more tolerable form 4 80 13610
Glowing Cabbage Soup (Disposable Bowl) 54Open Sewer Coins Cabbage in even more tolerable form 4 80 13620
Turnip Soup (Disposable Bowl) 10Open Sewer Coins Chunks of turnips floating in a bowl 4 30 13630
Sausage Soup (Disposable Bowl) 18Open Sewer Coins Chunks of sausages floating in a bowl 4 40 13640
Glowing Sausage Soup (Disposable Bowl) 19Open Sewer Coins Chunks of glowing sausages floating in a bowl 4 40 13650
Glowing Turnip Soup (Disposable Bowl) 10Open Sewer Coins 1 40 13660
Glowing Pea Soup (Disposable Bowl) 10Open Sewer Coins 8 35 13670
Onio0.04n Soup (Disposable Bowl) 10Open Sewer Coins 8 20 13680
Glowing Vegetable Soup (Disposable Bowl) 10Open Sewer Coins 8 35 13690
Glowing Onion Soup (Disposable Bowl) 10Open Sewer Coins 8 20 13700
Vegetable Soup (Disposable Bowl) 10Open Sewer Coins 8 35 13710
Tomato Soup (Disposable Bowl) 10Open Sewer Coins 8 35 13720
Glowing Tomato Soup (Disposable Bowl) 10Open Sewer Coins 8 35 13730
Bowl of Cereal (Disposable Bowl) 12Open Sewer Coins A bowl of sugar flakes and milk 4 33 13740

Drinks[edit | edit source]




Soft Drinks


Health & Hygiene[edit | edit source]

Hand soap

Cleaning Items



IV Bags

Cigarettes[edit | edit source]


Mushrooms[edit | edit source]

Green Mushrooms

Orange Mushrooms

Crafting Items[edit | edit source]

Items specifically used to facilitate crafting. Items listed elsewhere do not need to be listed here again. Items used in multiples types of crafting should be included in the type of crafting it is most used in.

Cooking Ingredients

Mashing Ingredients



Fuel[edit | edit source]

Fire Fuels


Valuables[edit | edit source]


Metal Items

Junk[edit | edit source]

Organic Matter




Magazines[edit | edit source]


Novelties & Gifts[edit | edit source]





Rubber Ducks

Quest Items[edit | edit source]
