ARG Portal

Revision as of 13:43, 4 March 2018 by CitadelCore (talk | contribs)

This page contains information about the INFRA ARG, or alternate reality game, which consists of several extremely difficult codes embedded in INFRA and its game assets.

Existing codes

This is a list of the discovered codes in INFRA in chronological order of discovery.

"Correct order"

These are the codes in the "correct order" Zuntti wants us to look at.

Clues from Zuntti

Bunker breaker clue

On 27/10/2017 at (?), Zuntti posted this image in the #somewhat-off-topic channel of the INFRA discord server. The image's filename is "retupmo_reknu_srette_tsri.png".


This is an image of the breaker panels in the transformer room just outside the bunker blast doors. The filename of the image is backwards, not Finnish, and says "Computer bunker letters first".

Reactor lights clue

On 31/10/2017 at 12:42 UTC, Zuntti posted this image in the #spoilers channel of the INFRA discord server. The image's filename is "2_Remaining.png".

This is an image of the SNW reactor control panel, and a white mask model is barely visible in the control rods display. Zuntti actually posted a later image with the lights on the panel to the right circled.

This was later revealed to be connected to the Reactor lights code, the specific lights forming a pattern.


Wasteland hideout clue

On 15/01/2018 at 14:18 UTC, Zuntti posted this image in the #spoilers channel of the INFRA discord server. The image's filename is "Truth.png".

This is an image of the coded notes found in the Wasteland map, with heavy red colour correction applied.


This is a brightened image.


In both images, the green text "COR_ORD_1_BOD_MES_2_COM_QUE_3_CON_ANS_4_WAS_?_5_PAT_?" can be seen.

On the first image, the text "1. BUN_BREAKER_CEN_CONTROL_VI_OFFICE_RE_SNW" can be seen, and

on the second image, the text "4. What are you looking for? The right Question? The right Answer? The Right person?" can be seen.


Translated, the first line of text reads "Correct order: 1. Body message. 2. Computer question. 3. Connection answer (?) 4. Was(teland) ? 5. Pat(tern) ?" (Pattern referring to the Elo hideout symbols?) Does this mean that we should finish cracking each code in this specific order?

These seem to correlate to the second lines of text on each respective image, the first being a hint to the body message puzzle: "Bunker breaker, central control (room) (the control room in Central), Villa office, Reactor SNW (area)?"