ARG Audio Files

Revision as of 20:42, 30 November 2019 by Unknown user (talk) (minor corrections/additions)

This page contains interesting audio files that may be related to the ARG.

File Timestamp Locations Description Source
strange_hallway_004.wav Whole Audio Hallway Spctrogram of the output has a string of numbers
special/coffee_effect_001.wav 2016-07-04T12:43:21+03:00 stormdrain Sounds like a low hum, with some machinery running in the background.
special/coffee_effect_002.wav 2016-07-04T12:43:21+03:00 stormdrain This is a combination of strange_bunker_computer_001 with what possibly sounds like the voice from wasteland_radio_001, with some chime music playing at the end.
special/coffee_effect_003.wav 2016-07-04T12:43:21+03:00 stormdrain This has Osmo-esque music at the start and a raspy breathing sound, both of which get slower at the end.
special/mushroom_effect_001.wav 2016-07-05T11:22:08+03:00 tenements This starts musical, then slows down at 8 seconds, a bell seems to ring at 24 seconds, and after that there is a creepy music track and a heartbeat, as well as what sounds like a really quiet version of the slowed ugu_001.wav voice in the background.
special/mushroom_effect_002.wav 2016-07-05T11:22:08+03:00 wasteland This plays when first entering the wasteland. It is a clip of several sounds that have been slowed down significantly. When sped up, a female voice says

"Don't be scared, come into my house", with unusual stress on the word "house", followed by the voice laughing or crying. Various distorted laughs moans are audible, and then crescendos with a gunshot at the end. There is also a reversed clip of what sounds like birds flying away at the end, before the gunshot. The leitmotif that plays in "Tenements" plays over the entire track. It also seems like a whisper track has been added after the file was slowed down.

ambient/random/berg_and_kleinmann_001.wav 2016-07-05T11:22:08+03:00 isle2 This is a heartbeat sound, as well as the same "hum" from ugu_001.wav.
ambient/random/binary_morko_001.wav ? binary Freesound description: Sound of raw data from a random file, processed with a tracker. Edited with Audacity (converted to stereo). Freesound
ambient/random/binary_morko_002.wav ? binary Freesound
ambient/random/binary_morko_003.wav ? binary Freesound
ambient/random/binary_morko_004.wav ? binary Freesound
ambient/random/binary_morko_005.wav ? binary Freesound
ambient/random/binary_morko_006.wav ? binary Freesound
ambient/random/error_sound_001.wav 2016-07-05T11:22:08+03:00 city_gates Plays along with the bluescreen when you enter the correct code in city gates.
ambient/random/strange_bunker_computer_001.wav 2016-04-25T11:22:37+03:00 None Sounds like a series of audio-encoded data, however the correct format has not yet been identified. It is not SSTV.
ambient/random/strange_bunker_morko_001.wav 2016-04-25T11:22:37+03:00 city_gates Played at a reduced volume when Mark is heading down the hallway towards the cremation machine in city_gates. It's a simple jumpscare sound.
ambient/random/ugu_001.wav 2016-07-05T11:22:08+03:00 stormdrain This plays around the UGU sculpture in stormdrain. Consists of a slowed down female voice exclaiming "They're here" multiple times, played alongside a constant ambient noise.
ambient/random/wasteland_radio_001.wav 2016-07-05T11:22:08+03:00 wasteland Plays morse code mixed with radio static emitting from a radio found in wasteland. For more information, see Wasteland radio morse. Freesound
ambient/random/wasteland_sound_001.wav 2016-07-05T11:22:08+03:00 wasteland Plays as an ambient sound in wasteland. Freesound
whiprock_dlc/special/ugu_prison_001.wav 2016-07-05T11:22:08+03:00 None Slowed and reversed aggressive protesting in what sounds like Finnish, but the voice is too hard to hear. There is a bit of reverb added.
whiprock_dlc/special/ugu_prison_002.wav 2016-07-05T11:22:08+03:00 None Faster and more distorted version of ugu_prison_001.
whiprock_dlc/special/ugu_prison_003.wav 2016-07-05T11:22:08+03:00 None Very quiet version of ugu_001, as well as a clinking sound in the foreground that sounds like chains hitting something.
special/mask_sound_001.wav cistern This sound emits from a unique Mörkö mask that is covered in some fleshy substance. The file contains garbled audio of a man speaking, mixed with white noise. Reversing the audio reveals he is saying between intermittent pauses:

"Below the underground city(...) there is a hatch (...) where they sleep (...) The raven is red (...) but why? (...) What is the connection?"

Spectrogram Easter Eggs

Some of the music found in INFRA reveals secrets when run through a spectrogram. The files with known secrets are strange_hallway_004.wav, which reveals the message 'eee3 .. dead .. dead', which has been theorized to just mean "Dead End". The second file is Tense Thumps, from the INFRA OST, which reveals an image of a skull when run through a spectrogram.

Sources for music files in INFRA

For reference here the complete list of sounds digged out by CitadelCore.

       Tenements doorbell:
       Tenements doorbell 2:
       Reactor core robot:
       All binary morko sounds:
       May be part of shroom thing?
       UGU voice 1:
       UGU voice 2:
       UGU background: (modified)
       INFRA VHS:
       Coffee drink:
       Smash through wall:
       VHS fan thing:
       Viewports logon?
       Part of head chop: or or, and the drop is
       Shroom gun:
       Shroom music: