Puzzle:Castle Rock Generators

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Castle Rock Generators
Puzzle Castle Rock Generators.png
Map isle2
Type(s) Electrical Power, Exploration
Connections none
Video YouTube

Your path to the office is blocked by the raised Drawbridge ahead. Use the Public Shelter as a Detour to get to the Drawbridge Control Tower.

Solution[edit source]

This Puzzle takes Place in the Public Shelter below the Road leading up to the Drawbridge:

Castlerock shelter.jpg

Inside, you will find a locked door blocking the path. To unlock it, you will need to fire up the Generators. However, a note on the Table in the Shelter tells you that parts were stolen and scattered by a Group of Moonshine Manufacturers that reside in the Castle Rock Ruins.

Parts that are missing include:

  • 2x Diesel Fuel Filters
  • 1x Diesel Fuel Pump
  • 1x Push Button

Castlerock documents.jpg

To solve the Puzzle, simply insert the Missing Parts into their Correct Positions, and Push the Button afterwards.

Locations of Missing Parts:

The first Fuel Filter is found opposite to the Shelter entrance, next to the yellow Generator on top of some barrels:

Castlerock filter1.jpg

The second Fuel Filter is found on the road leading up to the Drawbridge, next to the broken car:

Castlerock filter2.jpg

The Fuel Pump is found by walking straight ahead from the shelter entrance, until you find a lit workplace of some sort next to the boathouses. You will find the Pump in a small crate together with a fuse and some Camera Batteries:

Castlerock fuelpump.jpg

The button is found inside the Castle Rock Ruins inside of a Shopping Cart. Getting to the Ruins is a Puzzle in itself, which shall be explained in a minute.

Castlerock pushbutton.jpg

Now that you have all the Parts, place them into their corresponding Places.

The Fuel Filters go to the left and right of either Generator, onto the pipes that are labeled "FUEL LINE 1" and "FUEL LINE 2"

The Push Button fits onto the case in front of the Generators on a pillar, labelled "GENERATORS"

Castlerock itemsinserted.jpg

The Fuel Pump slots into the round Casing in the Room left of the locked Shelter Door.

Castlerock pumproom.jpg

Turn the Red handvalve to the left of the Fuel Pump (The one with the Red Paint behind it) into the open Position (That is, parallel to the pipe).

Lastly, push the button you inserted, and after a few seconds the lights will go on and the Door will open. CAUTION: The Broken Wires at the Exit and in the Pumproom are now live and can kill you!

Getting to the Castle Rock Ruins[edit source]

Not only will you find tons of cool stuff there, but its also required to get the push button!

When you exit the public Shelter, turn right and walk up the street, then turn right in between the 2 blue buses.

At the next intersection, turn left to find a construction site. At the end of it you will find a small Container that you can walk inside of. On the table, there will be a yellow Keycard labelled "Courtyard" that you should pick up.

Castlerock container.jpg

(Alternatively, you can go right at the Intersection and find another Keycard on the Countertop of Morko's Battery Store.)

Castlerock batterystore.jpg

Also at the aforementioned Construction Site, you will be Greeted with a Panel of Switches. The LED at the Top indicates an "Insufficient Hz" (Hertz) Warning, meaning that the Grid for Castle Rock is currently drawing too much Power. This means that only two Switches can be active at a time. One of these MUST always be the Switch at the bottom right labelled "KEEP ON!"

To start, turn off every Switch apart from the Switch labelled "KEEP ON!" and the Switch labelled "Courtyard Gates", then push the Main Power button to the left. Both red lights should now turn off, and the Indicator at the top should glow white and have its needle pointing straight up.

Castlerock panel1.jpg

Note: Trying to push the Main Power Button too often while too many switches are turned on causes the Panel to deactivate entirely. In this case, backtrack a bit and turn on the switch located on the lightpole.

The Keycard Readers of the Gates should now be active, and you should be able to open them with the Keycard you obtained. There are 3 Gates in total that you can now open. These include:

  • The one up the Stairs directly behind the Switch Panel (You only need to open this one to Progress, but you can still open the other two if you want)
  • Going past the Battery Store, there is one located in an Alley to the left
  • One Next to the Greenhouse oppsoite of the Castle Rock Ruins

Castlerock gate1.jpg Castlerock gate2.jpg Castlerock gate3.jpg

You can Explore beyond the Gates if you want, but to Progress you need to Enter the Castle Rock Ruins, and for that you will first need to activate the Castle Turnstile. To do so, walk back to the Switch Panel, deactivate the Courtyard Gates Switch and Activate the one labelled "CASTLE TUNRSTILE":

Castlerock panel2.jpg

Now you can Access the Castle Turnstile. However, you first need a Ticket. You can buy one by using the ticket Machine next to the Turnstile (Insert your Credit Card, Enter PIN 1337#, then take the ticket and your Credit Card)

It's possible however, that you used the ATM or Ticket Machine at the Pitheath Metro Station and forgot to take back your Credit Card. In this Case, you will need to find one of three tickets scattered across the map.

  • The first one is found when going past the Turnstile for a bit and turning to the left behind a wall. It's laying inside of a trashcan together with a green glowstick.
  • For the second one, walk even further until the end of the road, which is blocked by a white van. Go down the cliff by using the narrow path. At the end of the path, the ticket is laying on a bench next to a campfire and a small boat.
  • The last one is found on the other side of the main road next to the boathouses, on top of some tables.

Castlerock ticket1.jpg Castlerock ticket2.jpg Castlerock ticket3.jpg

Before entering the Ruins, make sure you Grab the Boltcutters inside the Greenhouse, opposite of the Turnstile!

Insert your ticket into the box right of the Turnstile, use the Boltcutter to open the Metal door at the back and find the Push Button Inside.

Trivia[edit source]

  • Turning the Red handvalve after the Pump is inserted, but before a Diesel Filter in Fuel Line 2 is present, causes Fuel Line 2 to leak Diesel. This does not hurt the Player and is merely a nice Attention to Detail.
  • The Fuse thats in the Crate together with the Fuel Pump can't be used anywhere on isle2.
  • It's possible to Softlock yourself in the Courtyard by activating the Courtyard Gates, opening them, going back and deactivating them and then closing them from the inside. The developers have thought of this, so you can Override the Door in the Alley as well as the Door by the Construction Site.
  • It is possible to soft lock yourself by throwing any of the needed components into the water
  • It's possible to Softlock yourself by activating the Generators and then quickly running out of the Shelter while the Genrators are still starting. When the Generators have turned on, the Wires that are supposed to keep the player from leaving the Shelter are now live, causing the Player to actually be locked out of the Shelter instead.