Red Danger

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Activating the Quest[edit | edit source]

This quest will be automatically given on the conclusion of Glowstick Trail.

Tips[edit | edit source]

  • This quest provides an opportunity to gain access to Tenement A.
  • The conclusion of this quest leaves player in possession of 0.4 liters of Red Mushroom extract. Much like Green Mushroom extract, it will instantly max out mushroom intoxication if imbibed.

Walkthrough[edit | edit source]

Meeting Fredrik[edit | edit source]

During the quest Glowstick Trail player acquires a sample of red mushrooms. This sample, when mentioned to Anya, arouses the interest of previously unheard from participant in this teleconference, Fredrik. Fredrik requests that the red mushroom sample is delivered to him for testing. He states that he lives in Tenement A in the apartment A10 and that he would buzz in the player if needed. During this conversation, a piece of newscast is played, showcasing the discovery of another body covered in red mushrooms somewhere outside Obenseuer.

If player still lacks access to Tenement A, they can press the button for A10 on the housephone near the entrance and Fredrik will indeed buzz them in as promised.

Experiment[edit | edit source]

Fredrik invites player to participate in his experiment. It is also possible to ask him about several other things, although he does not really say anything particularly important (he does suggest that maybe there are also blue mushrooms to be found, which supposedly are the key to curing fungal disease). To conduct an experiment, player needs to enter the surgery room with the patient. The body is covered in green mushrooms and although it seems to be still breathing, Fredrik assures player that the person is already brain-dead and gave consent to use her body for scientific purposes once she is gone. Once there, extraction machine should be located, filled with red mushrooms (just use it) and button pressed to activate it. Doing so will create 0.5 liters of Red Mushroom Extract in a small glass bottle. This bottle should be grabbed.

Fredrik will also instruct the player to find an empty syringe at this point. Several are available around the table with the patient. Using the IV bag next to the patient while having red mushroom extract and syringe in the inventory will inject the extract into it. Patient's body will lurch up, all the mushrooms on it will turn red, and then it will slump back down again. This concludes the experiment.

Fredrik is notably baffled by the results, but soldiers on and states that he needs to process the data before any conclusions can be drawn. He suggests player get the rest of red mushroom extract back to Anya and gives out the Fredrik's Patient quest as something to do meanwhile.

Back to the basement[edit | edit source]

Anya is not interested in red mushroom extract, although she requests player not mention it to Fredrik. Instead, she surprises the player with the news that the discovered body in the newscast may be the body of player themselves, or at the very least police identified it as the player. Anya insists that in order to gain access to alternate ways beyond the gate, a person by the name of Karl Hagen needs to be contacted and persuaded to help. Anya further explains that Karl is both a fungal disease victim and a person of note in Bazaar district. She assigns the quest King of the Bazaar and ends this one, suggesting that this is a good time to visit Eliana Passmore and get that passport.