Ending 1

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‎ In the first possible Ending, the player Wakes up in an Apartment in Turnip Hill, where he is having vacation to recover from his dangerous work. This is the "bad" Ending, as the Mark did survive, but not do his job good enough, which is why he spends his Time in a run-down apartment.


To get to this ending, you are required to have saved the Blackrock Nuclear Power Plant in the last level, aswell as having a Low Corruption- and Photo Score (under 50% for each). The Scores can be checked in your Steam Achievements.

E-Mails and News

-An Email From his Boss, Paul Lauwrens, asking if everything is okay and if Mark can answer his Phone Call.

-An Email from Rob with an Ad about his Computer Repair store.

-An Email from Osmo Olut with a 50% Discount.

-An Email from Steve Johnson asking him about a meeting in the Osmo Hill Bar

The Newspaper is about the new Director of Stalburg Water wanting to "fix the Problems" with the Infrastructure.

The TV talks about the collapse of the Two Gorges Dam and the Bergman tunnels and about Osmo Olut buying the Walter Tower.

Ending 1
mapimage:Ending 1
Map Name Ending 1
BSP Name infra_c11_ending_1
Stalburg Map 1 Ending 1
Photo Spots 0
Corruption Spots 0
Repair Spots 0
Mistake Spots 0
Geocaches 0
Water Flow Meters 0
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