Villa woodboxes

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Small writing was found on 2 up-side-down boxes in the villa office. These boxes have green stamps on them and their models are named props_dam/hartman_woodbox_001 and props_dam/hartman_woodbox_002.

The boxes being under prop_dam and having 'Hartman' in the name may imply they were brought to the villa by alex hartman. If the codes do in fact decrypt to 'albert' and 'emily', then they main contain the ashes of alex's deceased wife and child

The Green stamp on the box looks like Zuntti's Logo.

Hartman woodbox 1.png Hartman woodbox 2.png

Hartman Woodbox1 Code.png Hartman Woodbox2 Code.png

The writing on the first wooden box says 1 M 22 2 Y and the writing on the second box says 12 2 B 1 13 17. The second box has been confirmed by Zuntti, when he replied to Willisika's Wasteland notes encrypted message WHERE IS AH with 12 2 B 1 13 17.


This code is solved. It gives us the right person - Albert Hartman, which is used to solve the wasteland notes.

12 2 B 1 13 17 = ALBERT

1 M 22 2 Y = EMILY

if: 12=A, 2=L, 1=E, 13=R, 17=T, 22=I

This gives a part of an 🔑 encoding table possibly also used elsewhere:

0        1         2
EL         AR   T    I

Blue Question.svg Given that ALBERTHARTMAN is one of the keys of the Wasteland notes, it's possible the full name of the other person is Emily Hartman, leading to the possibility these are the names of Alex Hartman's wife and child.

There is currently no/incomplete documentation on how this was decrypted

numbers letters possible source texture
12 A first 3 characters of the small text on the bill texture - A12 materials\models\props_clutter\bill_001_skin1.vtf
2 L from a red text decal found across the game- EL93FA342A G2222. L is the 2'd letter here materials\decals\text_random_02
1 E from a red text decal found across the game- EL93FA342A G2222. E is the 1'd letter here materials\decals\text_random_02
13 R
17 T
22 I

Responses from Zuntti

Zuntti-avatar.jpg When presented with the question "WHERE IS AH" encoded in Wasteland Notes code, Zuntti replied "12 2 B 1 13 17". This confirms the woodboxes are of high importance and elevates them to a high priority target.