Walter Corporation

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Walter Corporation
mapimage:Walter Corporation
Company Walter Corporation
Status Defunct
Industry Construction
Key People Jeff Walter (deceased)
Locations Walter Building

Walter Corporation (or Walter Co.) was a construction company founded by Jeff Walter in Stalburg sometime after World War II.


Following the bombing and widespread destruction that affected Stalburg in World War II, the city's future looked deprived. Jeff Walter, a wealthy entrepreneur and native of Stalburg saw potential in his home city, and was determined to restore it to it's former glory. Walter founded and staffed his company with the city's homeless people to rebuild entire districts with affordable housing, roads, factories and other critical infrastructure. The result was resounding, with low unemployment rates and a noticeable increase in the city's population. With the rise of other industrial and energy companies, such as Hammer Valley Hydro, Bergmann Group, and Stalburg Steel, Stalburg's future looked brighter than ever.

After an indeterminate amount of time, several military representatives contacted Jeff Walter, seeking funding for an organization to develop nuclear weapons for the security of Stalburg. Amidst the leadership of the military however, were corrupt individuals that sought to exploit Walter's accomplishments for profit and control of Stalburg. Walter was unaware of these malicious actions and agreed to fund Stalburg Nuclear Weapons. S.N.W used Walter's financial imperium to contract the construction of an underground bunker beneath the Walter Corporation's headquarters, as well as take on the development of biological weapons to sell. Walter eventually became aware of the events that transpired, and was forced into hiding by government officials sent to silence him.

Effectively in control of Walter Corporation, S.N.W used its assets to create conditions that would allow them to buy out and bankrupt Hammer Valley Hydro, Bergmann Group, and Stalburg Steel, framing Jeff Walter and ruining his public image. During this time, construction on affordable housing projects such as Obenseuer were constructed haphazardly and with shoddy construction materials. After Xeander Berg's escape from the bunker and its subsequent closure, S.N.W disbanded and covered their tracks, leaving the Walter Corporation without management and presumably defunct.


The Walter Corporation is mentioned in documents and audio logs throughout INFRA most of which were left behind by Hammer Valley Hydro's CEO, Alex Hartman.

Walter Corporation's headquarters is directly visited when Mark accidentally sets off an old trap under the Walter Tower that was left there by Alex Hartman to try to kill Jeff Walter. From there an elevator can be taken up to Jeff Walter's personal office, where a videotape Walter recorded of himself defending his innocence can be viewed.
