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Overview[edit | edit source]

The basement is a part of the player's tenement that the player can renovate and build in. The basement by default is locked and cannot be accessed. In order to access it the player needs to visit Tenement Contract Work! and upgrade the basement to the makeshift level, after the renovation is done the basement will be accessible to the player. Once built the player can access it by going down the stairs in the stairway or by using the basement entrance.

Uses For The Basement[edit | edit source]

The primary use for the basement is machinery and utilities. The basement is required to upgrade the tenements electricity, water and heating. Some additional things the player can build is a basement sauna which is effectively the same as a normal sauna except some tenants will have it in their requirements. The player can also build a mushroom farm which is exactly what it sounds like, a place where the player can plant mushrooms, any planter box or other soil will have the moist modifier by default. The last thing the player can renovate is the workshop. Upgrading the workshop expands the space in the basement each time while the last upgrade will add a whole other floor to the basement. The player can put anything they desire in the workshop space but it is intended to store large bulky machines.