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~Snippet from [[INFRA: Game Design Document]] posted as part of [[Stalburg]] wiki page, July 26, 2017‎
~Snippet from [[INFRA: Game Design Document]] posted as part of [[Stalburg]] wiki page, July 26, 2017‎
==Stalburg Politics==
===''Humane party''===
''Purpose is to stop technological development and thereby stop cyborgization, the submission of man to machine, and the inequalization of nations. Is an advocate of strict rules against all technological innovation.  The Humane party is gaining support from infrastructural disrepair of the city by claiming that “technology is failing us”.  Party supports very community, nature and enviromentally centered values.
''Average supporter:''
''Young and middle aged “hippie” female.''
===''Technocrat party''===
''Purpose is to promote innovation and technological development without compromise.  Common members of the party supports industrialization and “progress” over nature and preservation of historical sites. The common members also loathes the more culturally minded folk. The most “intuitive” wing of the party believes that evolution of man into a new species or the replacement of human by a new intellectual creature is a law of the nature and should not be hampered, but some of the members of the party of this wing has switched to more liberal and less bureaucratic party. The party gains support from current state of disrepair of infrastructure''
''Average supporter:''
''Middle aged male engineer or other technically trained person. Along with some basic industrial workers.''
''Globalist  very open- and technologically minded party, which focuses on internet and IT related things, such as copyright question, internet neutrality and regulation. The party also opposes all burearcy split from Technocrats some years ago. Party enjoys and is driven by growth of IT sector in Stalburg area.''
''Average supporter:''
''Young well educated and self taught IT professionals and young entrepreneurs.''
===''Ethos & pathos''===
''Purpose is to promote art and culture. It believes that human species exists to create art. Majority of the party opposes the use of money.''
''Average supporter:''
''Many young with some middle aged “hipsters” working on cultural sector. The supporters live in central Stalburg and in some trendy suburbs.''
===''The new left wing''===
''Leftish movement with an strong anarchist wing that emerged from Stalburg Steel bankruptcy.  The party feels that traditional political economy (and capitalism) has failed the people. Gains from relatively high unemployment rate.''
''Average supporter:''
''Minumun wage workers and unemployed persons living In sububrs.
''This localist party is promoting Stalburg centered values. The party is somewhat quarrelsome from inside.''
''Average supporter:''
''People who are proud citizens of Stalburg.''
===''Militarist party''===
''Focused on security related problems, such as threat of a foreign invasion, but nowdays after the end of the Cold War they're more focused on fighting crime and instablity such as riots. Purpose is to secure steady development of Stalburg by the submission of all activities under military command. Is open for the possibility that democracy might replace militarism after 15 years of order.  The party is most nationalistic party in the country. Opposes immigration. Lost a lot of supports after the end of Cold War, but has been gaining more since growth of immigration.''
''Average supporter:''
''Old and middle aged resident of Stalburg along with some younger and poor persons living in suburbs with a lot of immigrants.''
===''Ordinary people party''===
''Culturally conservative party which promotes traditional family centered values and work. The party is somewhat quarrelsome from inside.''
''Average supporter:''
''Middle aged persons who work from 8 to 16 living in city suburbs and outskirts.''
===''Neo-liberal party''===
''Neo-liberals are driven by market centered values.''
''Average supporter:''
''Wealthy people,  often entrepreneur.''
''“Farmer's party” with focus on smaller towns and agriculture, very little support in the city of Stalburg.''
''Average supporter:''
''Middleaged and old small town residents.''
~Oskutin, posted on Discord as a .doc file, August 13, 2018

==Developer's commentary==
==Developer's commentary==
