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Passmore is a character in INFRA and Obenseuer.


In INFRA, Passmore is found in Turnip Hill, living in tenement A on the second floor, and is forging Open Sewer Passports, Mark can get one from Passmore for 1000 Currency Marks.png if he previously had withdrew that amount from ATM at the Pitheath Metro Station. Passport gives access to Open Sewer Minitrain Metro that allows Mark to travel to central Obenseuer to access the Underground City.


In Obenseuer, Passmore is found in Residential district zone, living in Tenement B on the second floor at B1 apartment, by this point he is no longer forging passports, he is instead a black market dealer and buys stolen items, including medicine, jewelry and watches, and sells prescripted medicine and unique items like Skeida Pharmacy Keycard. Passmore buys not-owned items at 55% of the estimated value converted to RMs and sells them at 120% of the estimated value in OCs, he also buys stolen items at 18,15% of the estimated value converted to RMs and sells them at 39,6% of the estimated value in OCs.

Access to Passmore requires a password, which is given on the course of Getting a Passport quest. Password is obtained after player is sent by Malone Petronis to look for it in Deekula C.