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Overview[edit | edit source]

The bus is a small house like area in Obenseur that is located along Trade Road near the market square. The bus can easily be recognized by the graffiti on its windshield.

Inside and outside[edit | edit source]

Inside[edit | edit source]

The inside of the bus is essentially a massive array of beds which are all owned. The player can loot three containers inside the bus, a locker, a mail box and a beer crate. The first two count as theft while the third one does not. A blueprint can be found on a shelf at about halfway. Inside is also a makeshift toilet which the player can use but has to empty once the bucket is full. On one of the beds is Sara Claine, a rentable NPC.

Outside[edit | edit source]

Exterior of the bus
Interior of the bus

The outside of the bus is far less interesting there is a dumpster the player can loot at the front door and some bottles and scrap metal at the back door.

Locations in Obenseuer
Residential District Zone
Mines District Zone
Bazaar District Zone