Kurahaara's House

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Kurahaara's House is a house in Obenseuer that is located next to the Greenhouse, and is the apartment where Lönkka Kurahaara and Jomppe Kurahaara currently reside.

The primary egress and hallway to the Kurahaara's House. There is an unknown Union flag pictured on the right-most wall.
The bedroom in the Kurahaara's House, where Lönkka can be found sleeping during off-hours at the seed store.
The kitchen in the Kurahaara's House. Various recipes and valuables can be found.

Access to Kurahaara's House[edit | edit source]

To access the Kurahaara's house, the player can lockpick the door at the challenging skill level. There are no security cameras that can watch the player lockpick. However, it is possible for the Market Square Police to be located near the front door of the Kurahaara's house and arrest the player if they attempt to lockpick the door.

List of Searchable Containers[edit | edit source]

Loot Container Type Quantity Average Container Items
Cabinet 1 Medical Items, Misc. Materials
Drawer 5 Food Items, Misc. Materials
Cupboard 4 Food Items
Suitcase 1 Valuables, Misc. Materials
Wardrobe 1 Misc. Materials
Fridge 1 Food Items
Freezer 1 Food Items
Night Stand 1 Misc. Materials
Locker 2 Valuables, Crafting Materials
Wine Rack (Small) 2 Valuables, Food Items

Additional Machinery[edit | edit source]

  • The apartment has an oven and a microwave that can be used for cooking.
  • The apartment has two sinks with the clean modifier that can be used to collect clean water.
  • The apartment has a functioning television.

Kitchen & Dining Room[edit | edit source]

The kitchen in the Kurahaara's House appears to be larger and higher-end than most apartments in the district. There is a random recipe that can be found on the dining room table underneath a couple of cups, and various items can be found scattered around the tables and countertops of the rooms.

Hallway & Egress[edit | edit source]

The hallway in the Kurahaara's House is quite small and narrow, with decent amounts of lighting and no significant features. The room itself is quite tidy, with various coats and decorative items hung up on the walls. Various loot items can be found in the containers and on the furniture in the hallway. It should also be noted that there is a unique Union Banner featuring a hammer striking an anvil that is not attainable to the player.

Bathroom[edit | edit source]

The bathroom is a smaller-sized room with a makeshift shower. The room doesn't have much clutter, and connects to the hallway from the East. Various items can be found in the cabinet located above the sink.

Bedroom[edit | edit source]

The bedroom in the Kurahaara's house, located on the upper level, features a double bunk-bed and a cot, implying that they are for the two Kurahaara brothers. One of the brothers, Lönkka Kurahaara, can be found on the top bunk sleeping, and can be interacted with by the player. Upon interacting with him, he will immediately dismiss the player and tell them to talk to his other brothers. Various loot items can be found in the cabinets and locker located in the room.

Locations in Obenseuer
Residential District Zone
Mines District Zone
Bazaar District Zone