Container Bridge

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The Container Bridge, situated as an access way across the canal.

The Container Bridge is a blue, modified cargo container located in the southern part of the small canal. It can grant the player access to either side of the canal, and is an alternative to the Toll Bridge.

Alternative Pathways[edit | edit source]

  • The player can use the Toll Bridge situated in the northern part of the canal, at a cost of OC 10 per use.
  • The player can purchase unlimited access to the Toll Bridge, at a one-time cost of RM 800.

Additional Notes[edit | edit source]

  • The door to the Container Bridge needs to be lockpicked, and will periodically re-lock itself and need to be lockpicked again.
  • The container itself contains a chest, drawer, suitcase, and beer crate that each spawn assorted loot, respectively.
Locations in Obenseuer
Residential District Zone
Mines District Zone
Bazaar District Zone