Speakeasy Bar

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The welcome sign and entrance door to the Speakeasy

The Speakeasy Bar is the main location in the Tenement A Basement, run by Pentti Penttilä. The location is a part of the quest Me Mash!, as Pentti is one of the NPCs needed to talk to. There is a secret area behind a shelf in the bar, acessable via a button after completing a resolution to Me Mash! that allows you acess to Pentti's distillery workshop. Simppa Kurahaara, Ville Sköldgangster, and Mr. Duck are in the speakeasy as patrons. You can buy a variety of beers, wines, and kilju of OC from Pentti. The location also has a toilet that can be used freely, and a slot machine.

Locations in Obenseuer
Residential District Zone
Mines District Zone
Bazaar District Zone