Priest's Debt
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Quest Story
- This quest is down the line after you get a chance to finally talk with Mr. Passmore.
- Once you have finished his tasks and gone through all the conversation options, he will send you to talk to a lady named Eliana Passmore. Her relation is kept a secret as of now.
- Passmore will send you to her, from there the quest will begin once you have finished all of her conversation options.
- She agrees to help you forge a passport if you can check on the priest she visits in Deekula B apartments in room B1.
- Recommend bringing an industrial fuse as it will be needed for the optional part of the quest as well as to work on the quest Radio Signal.
- Once you enter the apartment. the fuse is to the left of the front door.
- You will find the priest laying in bed not able to speak and notes you can read around the whole apartment.
- The wall opposite of the bed has a red button which the fuse powers.
- Press it and you now have access to the B4 apartment. On the desk you will find a device called the Osrat.
- This will allow you to find out what exactly happened to the priest.
- The Osrat will take the AA Batteries you find next to it and also don't forget the Black Amulet that is in that room as well.
- This device will allow you to go to the "Other Side" if you are near glowing red orbs or Dead Bodies around the map.
- Go near the priest and the device will light up green. Hold it to enter the "Other Side" and the priest will be sitting on his bed next to his body.
- Talk to him and once you are done, go and tell Eliana of your Findings.
- Once that is done the quest will be completed.