Blueprint Designing

Revision as of 19:58, 28 December 2024 by Nextej (talk | contribs)
This page contains information about upcoming content from version 0.3.43 - Mines Update, which may be incorrect in relation with current public release of the Obenseuer game.

In Obenseuer, as an alternative to finding furniture blueprints made by other non-playable characters, player can craft their own blueprints using a Drawing Board.


Blueprints are crafted inside Drawing Board workbench that can be purchased from Samuel Jonasson for 792   OS Mining Services for xxx  . To start crafting a blueprint, player needs first learn the recipes on how to craft a blueprint. There are 3 tiers of blueprints that can be crafted:

  • Crude Blueprins
    Can yield generally makeshift type of furniture and machines, the recipe has a chance to be given when reading Pekka-Lifehack or LMAO-Tables
  • Improved Blueprins
    Can yield generally commercial-grade type of furniture and machines, the recipe has a chance to be given when reading Pekka-Lifehack or LMAO-Tables
  • Detailed Blueprins
    Can yield generally high-end type of furniture and machines, the recipe has a chance to be given when reading LMAO-Tables

When a crafting process is started, player has to be present in the Drawing Board interface for the recipe to progress. Yielded blueprints in the crafting process need to be read from within the player's inventory for the player to learn a new furniture crafting. What furniture blueprints player gets, is choosen at random from the given blueprint category.