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This page contains information about upcoming content from version 0.3.43 - Mines Update, which may be incorrect in relation with current public release of the Obenseuer game.

Magazines Icon.png

In Obenseuer, player can acquire literature in form of newspapers and magazines to read. In future updates, player will be able to visit a Bookstore in Bazaar.

Overview[edit | edit source]

In the current version there are four types of literature player can read, each is obtained in a different way, some may be bought directly, while others are delivered as a mail. Upon picking up an item, player can read it from within their inventory, player can acquire only one copy of each literature a day, however they can withheld it to read it later and still get a new copy the next day. All literature can be used as burnable fuel.

Name Effects How to obtain
Upon reading, gives player 5 random cooking recipes, including:
  • any Kitchen Tools
  • any Stove recipe
  • any Oven recipe
  • any Microwave recipe
  • any Coffeemaker recipe
  • Kilju recipe
  • Planks recipe
  • Axe recipe
  • Furniture parts recipe
  • Refill filament spool recipe
  • Nails recipe
  • Sugar mash recipe
  • Ale mash recipe
  • Plywood recipe
  • Oven Cloth recipe
  • Teddy Bear recipe
  • Facemask recipe
  • Empty Filament Spool recipe
  • Design Crude Furniture recipe
  • Design Improved Furniture recipe
  • Charcoal recipe
  • Coke recipe
  • Blackcurrant Juice recipe
  • Cloth Roll recipe
  • Bandage recipe
Each day has a chance to be delivered by default in a Mail, if it will not be delivered that day, player will receive an A4 sheet of Paper or a Paper Trash. Player can also rarely find it to buy at the Gift Stall or be rarely found in a fabric sack storage during Looting.
Osmo Olut magazine
Allows player to progress time by 2 hour by reading it. It is found only in the second cell of the Jail and cannot be obtained otherwise outside of.
Stalburg Times Newspaper
Allows player to progress time by 1,5 hour by reading it, when doing so the mental health slightly incresses by 5%. One be bought each day at O-Market for 38 OC. Player can also rarely find it to buy at the Gift Stall or be rarely found in a fabric sack storage during Looting.
Evening Tidings Newspaper
Allows player to progress time by 45 minutes by reading it, when doing so the mental health slightly increases by 2%. One be bought each day at O-Market for 18 OC. Player can also rarely find it to buy at the Gift Stall or be rarely found in a fabric sack storage during Looting.
Open Sewer Magazine
Takes 1 hour to read it, upon doing so it, it will increase one of the skills, Lockpicking, Bribery, Malting, Mashing, Brewing or Distilling, by 10%, unless player has a level 5 in respective skill.

It also gives player 5 random recipes, including:

  • any Mashing recipe
  • any Distillery recipe
  • any Fermenter recipe
  • any Grinder recipe
  • any Compost recipe
  • Malts recipe
  • Firewood recipe
  • Mushroom Coffee recipe
  • Lockpicks recipe
  • Axe recipe
  • Sledgehammer recipe
  • Furniture parts recipe
  • Steel/Brass/Aluminum/Copper Bar recipe
  • Can Opener recipe
  • Plywood recipe
  • Mushroom extract recipe
  • Scrap recipe
  • Extract yeast recipe
  • Teddy Bear recipe
  • Glue recipe
  • Scam Invoice recipe
  • Mushroom Water recipe
Player must order a daily home copy directly from OS Telemarketing Company office or by contacting Swamp Publishing LLC via phone under 010 689 0002 number. To to be able to order the magazine in the first place, player must have already acquired the Tenement Blueprint from Malone Petronis. Player can also rarely find it to buy at the Gift Stall or be rarely found in a fabric sack storage during Looting.
Takes 2 hour to read it, upon doing so it, it will increase one of the skills, Engineering, Machining or Chemistry, by 25%, unless player has a level 5 in respective skill.

It also gives player a one random recipes, including:

  • any Drawing Table recipe
  • Purify Water recipe
  • Extract yeast recipe
  • Saline recipe
  • Urea Extraction
The book can be only found on the course of Looting as a rare item in Filling Cabinets, Fancy Desks and Lab Cabinets.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Pekka-Lifehack is inspired by Niksi-Pirkka, a lifehack section in a Pirkka magazine published by a major Finnish grocery chain Kesko, which contains customer-submitted lifehacks, many of them being funny or questionable. This company also uses Pirkka brand on its grocery products, consequently in-game a product under Pekka brand can also be bought at O-Market - the Pekka Coffee.