Blocked Passages

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In Obenseuer, access to various locations might be locked behind blocked passages that have to be dealt using certain tools. An alternative to blocked passages are a locked doors that might be lockpickable or may require a key.


Bricked Passage.jpg

Bricked Passage

Bricked off doorway can be broken using an Sledgehammer or an Pickaxe, player has to take a swing at it at various heights to break it apart.


  • Bricked room of the apartment 5 inside Player's Tenement.
  • Bricked entrance of the apartment 11 inside Player's Tenement.
  • Bricked entrance of the apartment A7 inside Kolhola A and another bricked room further inside that apartment.
  • Bricked room of the waiting room of Dr. Pena MD inside Deekula A.
  • Bricked room of the apartment A8 inside Deekula A.
  • Bricked entrance of the apartment C1 inside Deekula C.
  • Bricked storage room inside B3 section of Bergmann Maintenance Tunnels.
Boarded Passage.jpg

Boarded Passage

Passages boarded with planks can be broken with an Axe or an Sledgehammer, player has to take a swing at individual planks to break them.


  • Boarded entrance of the apartment 9 inside Player's Tenement.
  • Boarded tunnel inside the side entrance to the Player's Tenement basement.
  • Boarded room of the apartment A7 inside Kolhola A.
  • Boarded room at the attic of the Deekula A.
  • Boarded passage to the storage B3 inside Deekula B.
  • Boarded room of the apartment B4 inside Deekula B.
  • Boarded entrance of the apartment C4 inside Deekula C.
  • Boarded entrance to a locked door inside Deekula Basement.
  • Boarded tunnel within Bergmann Water Tunnel.
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Wooden Crates

Crates sometimes blocking a passage can be broken apart with an Axe or an Sledgehammer, using an Axe will require several hits while Sledgehammer breaks them down in one swing.


  • Blocked entrance to the ground level storage of the Deekula A.
  • Blocked passage to the attic of the Deekula B.